Divine - Jones Wedding 1934

Started by Dee Gee, July 19, 2007, 08:10:10 PM

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Dee Gee

A saved Howard newspaper clipping - 1934

   Friends have received cards announcing the marriage of Raymond Divine of Howard to Miss Phyllis Jones of Moline.  The marriage took place on October 21st and had been kept a secret until this week.  The groom is a som of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Divine of nrthwest of Howard and grew up in that community.  He was graduated from Howard high school with this year's class.  He was active in sports during his school years, taking a prominent part in football and track.  The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Jones of Moline, graduating from that high school with the class of 1934.  She is well known here and the entire community join in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous wedded life.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

Janet Harrington

And Mrs. Phyllis Divine is still alive and kicking.  She lives on the farm where she and Raymond shared their lives together.


 They didn't move to the  farm that Phyllis lives on now in the late 50s or 60s. They originally live back to the corner west from where they live now, and a mile and half South across the road from the Glen and Margaret Miller place.

Janet Harrington

I didn't know that.  There isn't even a house at that location now.  Now, to the corner south of the Glen and Margaret Miller place, you can go west about a mile and there is property that Raymond and Phyllis Divine used to own.  It had a run down old shack on it.  It may still be there.


Janet, when you go to the "Greenwwod Corner" which is the road just South of the Glen Miller Place, the road only goes West, if you go West a mile the house on the North side was the Clyde Vaugh place, and on the South side off of the road quite away of the road was the Wes Indermill, later George Myers place, in my day or in the 50s. Then in the next mile the house on the North side was the Frank Young place and the house on the South side was the Flagler place. If memory serves me correctly (which sometimes it plays tricks on me). between Greenwood Corner and the Criger Ranch, I believe the only house on the West side of the road was the Raymond Divine place, it set West back off of the road, maybe as much as a 1/8 to 1/4 mile on the hill. Where Phyllis lives now was what I always thought of as the Divine Place, and was where Raymond's Aunt Edna and maybe his mother lived. I went to school with Connie all 12 years and I don't think they moved from the house on the Criger road until after she graduated in 1958. Anyway it is always pleasant to think back about the people and how things were in the "GOOGD OLD DAYS".

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