Can we ALL keep this forum alive?

Started by Teresa, January 10, 2006, 01:28:15 PM

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In the "Good Old Days" board and in  the Howard Kansas thread, Plowboy said this.
I would think more members would be writing on this to try to keep it here!!!
I was born in Howard some 70 some years ago my Great Grand parents came to Elk County in 1880, also my Grandpa.I was raised on a farm in Elk County.
Things sure have changed , there were 4 Grocery, 3 Drug , 6 Service Stations, 3 Doctors, when I was A boy.
I like to read when things about the old  days in Howard are put on here.
Please keep it up, but it will take all the members to be more on the forum

Thank you Plow boy. Very well stated!
I have voiced my concern over the lack of posting on more than one occasion. Generally it falls on deaf ears.
I think that everyone likes to hear tidbits about things that have happened in the past.. or ideas.. or just grab a cool drink and kick back and talk.

I still don't know the reason for the silence .. but maybe it is because some folks don't think that they have anything to say that anyone wants to hear.. and that is wrong.
Others might be too shy.. but the computer and keyboard is a great way to stay hidden and still converse with every one.
And others are the first to admit that they like to read what is posted, but they never post.. which is the perfect avenue for a forum to die. It takes everyone to get involved to make anything worthwhile work.

Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~ ok.... I will do this one more time..
I will make an honest effort to get on here and "chatter". Just as if we were stopping in the coffee shop  or that I would stop you on Main street to talk for a bit.
Now if everyone will do this... MAYBE this forum will become a fun place to check in to every day or evening.

A person does not have to have a special event  or information on a historical happening to post.

Now folks~~I know that everyone has things that happens to them all the time..that they can share. and bits of news etc that might not be earth shattering .. but it is a connection.. it is a sharing of yourself.
I think that we as human beings and people need this kind of thing. Without it,  or we soon become a society of cold  non caring, non participating people. I know that everyone is busy.. and most of us have more on our plates than we can handle in a day.. but we all take a break or 2 also in the day.. and how nice it might be to check in to the forum for your coffee break and read all sorts of newsy items from people. ( Kind of like Rose Leo's Howard happenings in the paper that we used to have. ) I know that some of it was just mundane stuff.. but how many of us read them anyway?? *smiling* I did..
And when I come across an old paper, to this day, I will go to the happenings page and read who did what and all of that.

So! Now that I have rambled on.. and giving you some of my boring drivel to read.. what do you say that we all try harder..?!

Put this forum on your desktop so it will be easy to just click  on the icon and be there.
Then please..after you are there.. post something!
What you had for supper.. What funny thing the dog or cat did.. What your Aunt Bessie is doing in Minnesota.. How many calves were born last night. ... What you used to do as a kid, or where the good fishin spots are now and used to be.. I could go on and on and on... My gosh there is tons of stuff to share to bring people into the "warm feeling"  of our small town of Howard. Things that happened in the past and things that are happening in the present.

After all, isn't that why we stay here and live? Because of the old style and friendly small town "Mayberry" atmosphere?
Lets share it with each other and everyone else who stops in to visit.

Share the site with your e-mail friends.. Maybe they will want to come in and share a cup of coffee with us here. But one or 2 or 3 people can not do it all.
It takes more than a few to make this work ..if we want it to work right.

Thanks for all of your support and help .
Now lets get started in making this a wonderful place to gather.


PS~~ I am going to copy and paste this ..and will be sending this to all the members and all of my friends, so maybe  they will want to take a break from their city life once and awhile and come to the country to escape with us here.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Okay Teresa, I'm one of those who always reads the forum but never registered until your wake up call today.  Thank you for your work on this site.  I don't make it back to Howard often but I do have a lot of memories.  One of my fav's is remembering going to your house with your sister Sheri and eating your mom's fabulous fried chicken.  Even after all these years I've not found anyone who can fry chicken like her.


Yep.. she sure did some good cookin ' for all of us kids.
She passed on that gift in the kitchen to Sherri and I and we have kept that reputation of being chicken fryin' fools alive.
Mama and daddy are doing great.. they are full time R'V'ers and are in Texas right now.. and in up North in the summertime's.
And mama still cooks for everyone around her.and is the queen of the kitchen in the campgrounds that they are in...spoiling everyone with her tasty treats.
I have so many memories of so many things. This might be fun to start reminiscing after all.
I swear.. it might help my memory. I used to remember everything ..a nd now I can't remember anything unless I make a list.. then I forget where I put the danged list!.
Ok.. I really really really hate to ask you this...
*I apologise for having to ask...

Rhonda who?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Okay - I'll try some of this "chit-chat" - but I've never been much good at small talk.

Sure did like the snow today. It was pretty. And I really, really like the melting so quickly.  :)


Yeah but it isn't meling fast enough for me. :-\
Did we really get 8 inches of snow? it is piled up pretty high.
I know that we got a lot.. and it is supposed ( and I put that term lightly) to be in the high 50's tomorrow.
If it does get there, that should melt the snow.

Our poor ground needs it. The grass fires have been just horrible.
Had that big fire that started out west on Sunday and ended up clear down in Fredonia..
But with the wind blowing like it was..there just wasn't any way it could be stopped.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Carl Harrod

I only wish I could send you some of our rain - it has been raining for 23 days straight with no end in sight.  I think our record is 32 days so we don't have much more to surpass that. We did have some snow about a month ago and it stayed around for a week or so because it was so cold then, now it hasn't gotten down to freezing since the rain started.
And yes Washington does get a lot of rain, but it isn't doing as good of a job keeping people from moving here as it used to!


We need some of that rain.
The sun is out today, but it is still cold and the snow is still crusty.

Doesn't washington have one of the highest crime rates in the US?
Should have a right to carry ... THAT would cut down on the attacks in innocent people.
A thug would think twice if he saw a side arm strapped on people.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

I for one am glad that you are trying to keep this forum alive and well, Tressy.  Thank you Rhonda for remembering the good time you girls - and boys- were at our home.  I don't remember how much you all liked the fried chicken as much as I remember all the "giggles and cheerleading practice - pom poms and going shopping for all the "STUFF" that you all JUST HAD TO HAVE !!!  I was so very happy that our girls wanted their friends to be at our home.  Teresa and Sherri both had a paper route, carrying the Independence Reporter.  Teresa was first and then when she got old enough to work before school hours and after school hours at Twilight Manor, Sherri [ four years younger ] took over the route and we were on our way again.  Snow-wind-and rain could not stop our little paper girls.  Buck Snodderley always said they were the BEST PAPER BOYS he ever had.
  Fred and I are full time RV'ers as Teresa said, but Howard is STILL HOME.  We were married by Probate Judge Mairam Beatty on May 16th, 1947   58 + years ago.. I was 17 and my Darling Fred was 19.  Did not know one darn thing about what was ahead, but thought we knew it all.
  Well, I have "yapped" long enough for now.  will do more at another time. 
  Hope everyone else will join in and let us hear from the "golden oldies" and the bright young ones !!

Carl Harrod

I guess I hadn't really paid attention to the crime rate because we live in a "quiet" area, but I just checked and Washington is actually in the top 10 of the highest overall crime rates.
And yes, I do believe that people were a bit more cautious when there was a chance that the person you were having a disagreement with may be carrying a gun. The only problem with that is that there are so many more people around now and too many of them have "issues" with no respect for anyone around them.
I was raised to value my rights but that even if I had the right to do something, if it infringed on the rights of others I should really think again about doing it. It really saddens me to see that we have become a "ME FIRST and to heck with you" society.


Teresa, I was Rhonda Signer (many years ago) and Sherri was a year older than I was.  I remember shopping for cheerleading uniform material and our mothers were about to pull their hair out.  I do believe you pay for your raising.  I love reading about Howard, helps keep the brain going, trying to remember how things were growing up.

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