Queen, wherefore art thou ! ! !

Started by flo, July 16, 2007, 04:13:37 PM

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Diane Amberg

Perhaps that was "forsooth and seven yores ago''. And on that note...nighty night



That was a real groaner, Diane, but that supposed to be the best reaction to a good pun, so I think you S-S-S-S-C-O-O-O-O-R-R-R-R-E-D!


Diane Amberg

Thank you, we (that's the royal "we", of course) try.


Oh my gosh!
I am grinning so wide that my mouth hurts..  ;D LOL
I am thrilled and honored to be missed. :angel:
Actually I am a bit embarrassed   :-[ by it all too... BUT
Sometimes the Queen DOES have a moment or 2 where her royal feathers do blush red.. :)

Seriously.. I have not even been on the forum to read anything since Thursday afternoon.
We left Thursday afternoon to go to the US Shooting Academy for the weekend..where we did some filming and some interviews ..and then basically went back to the cabin ( where we had NO internet connection  :()  and worked for the remaining of the wkend, until we left on Sunday to come home.
( Did stop at the casino in Hominy and the one in Pawhuska for a bit though  ;) )

Got home Sunday evening, unpacked.. rebuilt the fire ring in the back yard, did some things that had to be done in the house.. ate supper and fell into bed at midnight.
Monday was a zoo with the phones ringing, deadlines due, massages, both grandkids, and you name it.. it was happening!

I have been working on video editing solid, trying to get the loose ends done.
Flo.. tell Marvin that the flood video's ( there are 2)  will be done by this evening if my poor overloaded laptop will hold out for a few more hours. It is more than time to buy  commercial level computers, as the ones we have are huffing and puffing to hold all the data etc. I restart 5 times in a hour and pray every time it will hang in there with me.
( And I cuss a whole lot too)  :-\

I knew that if I even got on the forum to "read".. I wouldn't be able to keep my windbag self from chiming in all over the place.. so I just worked and stayed away.

But I have more work to do, but tonight is Chatty Cathy time and this old bedraggled 'wanna be Queen" is going to get on the forum and catch up!
just by glancing , I can't believe all that has been posited.!!   :o
It is so exciting.. :)

Got to go... Other computer is booting back up ...AGAIN!!

Thanks for missing me.. and making me smile.
( I really really needed that right now.. :-*)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


< sigh >

So much for the democracy.

But we're happy to have you back, Teresa!


By the way, that underpowered-computer thing is what caused me to begin building my own a number of years ago. Buy exactly the components and cases you need (usually at NewEgg) and just plug them together.

Diane Amberg

We figured you might be out there glued to a camera . We had a lot of fun in your absence, but now that you are back, we'll behave ourselves...NOT..  ;D


Diane! We can't behave ouselves now ~ she'll think we're mad at her >:( 
or she'll just figure out that we're up to something.   :o 
We'd better just back away from this posting quietly ... I've heard she can smell fear  ;) ;D :angel: :angel: :angel:


Smell fear... hahahahahahaha
  Right now, all I can smell is my clean sheets beckoning to me to come to them.. lol

But I wanted to catch up on the forum a bit.
I love reading all that is going on...even though I am about to drop over in a sleep...

Thanks everyone for keeping the place "hot" while I was gone.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !




we're boiling over without you.  Come back and cool us down. 8) 8)
No act of kindness, no matter how small,
is ever wasted.

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