Does Complaining Help???

Started by Wilma, July 16, 2007, 03:05:01 PM

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Amen to everything you said, Teresa. I've had a deep disdain for Walmart for years and avoid it like the plague. What we spend in gasoline to save a few cents on an item is shameful. We already spend a great deal of our money in Howard when we're there, paying that extra few cents to keep Batson's and Cookson's alive. Many items I've bought at the "general store" rather than pay extra for something new in Wichita, and the used items have served us just as well (and saved $$). Last weekend we took the scenic route back to Wichita and drove through Eureka. We made a point to visit Howard's grocery store and the ALCO store. We think we'll have no problem finding things there if they aren't available in Howard, and they're prices are just as reasonable as Dillons. At the risk of stepping on a few toes, I'd urge folks who can't find what they want or need in Howard to take their dollars to Eureka and keep those small businesses going there as well. (OK, maybe ALCO isn't local, but it isn't Walmart, either!) OK....I've had my say and that's all I've got to say about that!


when you talk about prices being higher or lower somewhere else, don't forget to figure in your time and gasoline to get "somewhere else" then see where you could get it cheaper.  More than likely RIGHT HERE AT HOME. (and your feet won't be killing you and your blood pressure won't sky rocket because of all the rudeness you had to put up with.)


I've found several grocery items to be cheaper at Batsons than they are at Dillons. Also, the propane heater that we selected at Cookson's Hardware was quite in line with Lowes.  The service was so much better.  Gas was cheaper to drive to Howard than to Wichita and Augusta.  And of course we can't leave out my VALUABLE time.  They actually will lislten to you if you have a complaint.


Lawrence has always been good about local businesses. Five blocks of downtown, on both sides are filled with them, as well as the side streets. But they are now mainly specialty shops, restaurants, galleries, etc. South Iowa has filled up with WalMart, Target, etc., etc., etc. Somehow, we keep the balancing act going and downtown continues to prosper. Still, we seem to be filling up with bigger chain stores. I don't know if it will ever stop.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Teresa on July 17, 2007, 05:23:57 PM

Maybe I've just had a bad day..or maybe I'm just so overtired, overworked, and stressed out that I over reacted to this.. Maybe I need more sleep and more than 5 minutes to myself  without  the telephone ringing, or another batch of business work to do...

??? ???  I'm sitting here trying to figure out why Ms. T thinks that she is having a bad day, etc.  Isn't that the way she is every day?????? :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Diane Amberg

Uh,oh now we're really gonna git it! The Queen may take her septre out of the kitchen drawer and you know what happens then ... (quiver,quiver) SPELLS! That's how Frawg got that way, ya know.



Now, Now, Janet.  You need to be a little more generous to the Queen.  After all, she lives her work over 20 hours a day at home and away (to hear her tell of it), and has half a dozen jobs that we know of, and bakes pies (so I've heard, I haven't had any yet!).  You can surely allow that she'd be a little testy once in a while...  And the title of the posting is all about complaints...  And please don't either one of you pick on me now that I'm teasing you a little.  And please, Please, PLEASE Janet; don't ever start bringing YOUR work home with you!

And I agree wholeheartedly with all the bad stuff anyone has to say about WalMart (I should modify that to say "within reason" considering where I'm posting this!)  I used to own a flower shop and would have people literally bring me flowers & plants that they'd bought a WalMart and ask me why they didn't last or what they could to do get rid of bugs or disease.  Or bring in things they'd bought at WalMart and ask me to DELIVER them!!!  Some folks are completely oblivious to what it takes to be a positive part of a community.  We are so lucky here to have the places we do! 

Just FYI***I bought some poison ivy medicine at Batsons the other day, and when I was at WalMart later that week I saw the EXACT same thing for $9.00 more with a quicker expiration date.  Unbelievable!


Quote from: Joanna on July 17, 2007, 07:49:16 PM
Now, Now, Janet.  You need to be a little more generous to the Queen.  After all, she lives her work over 20 hours a day at home and away (to hear her tell of it), and has half a dozen jobs that we know of, and bakes pies (so I've heard, I haven't had any yet!). 

I won't complain about my work load anymore... I'm sorry everybody~~~~
But sometimes I just get so sniff.....
Well~~~~ I just get so tired and I have no time to do anything for 'me'............  Waaahhh~~

Ok Ok Ok~~~ Pity Party show is over folks.. Break it up... go back to your computers or whatever you were doing before this sad soap opera started.. And Teresa... get your Kleenex's all picked up, quit your sniveling and get to that bookwork! You're burning daylight!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


blowing off steam is cheaper than blood pressure pills - let 'er fly  >:( >:( >:(- and the only one within "bang that skilllet" distance is Kjell - might give him a warning first.  ;D

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