Welcome Lance Markley #260

Started by Janet Harrington, July 08, 2007, 07:45:46 AM

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Susan, I think the word should be "survived".

Jo McDonald

Maybe survived BECAUSE they participated !!    hahahahahah
I had one in there at that time...Remember???


I was there and I think you are right, Jo.

Rudy Taylor

Welcome, Lance. Log in often and say hello. Nice to have another male in this e-community. Believe me, we're outnumbered which results in frequent harrassment by the females. Poor us.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Quote from: Rudy Taylor on July 12, 2007, 10:22:05 AM
Nice to have another male in this e-community. Believe me, we're outnumbered which results in frequent harassment by the females. Poor us.

sighhhhhhhhhhhh~~~ :-\
Oh for the love of the Lord ..would you listen to that drival~~~ ::)

Wait a minute while I get my little teeny weenie violin and play you a sad song ... ::)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


hahahahahahaha...Mrs. Dugan and Mr. Shephard...I had Mr. Shephard and I remember when we or I mean some of the onery ones turned his desk upside down against the door and we didn't have class that day...He had sanitary napkins in his closet...weird man...Remember Mr. Culberson?  He looked like a monkey...oh those were the days....We were so bad there..It is a wonder we survived.  I got locked into a locker one time and Mrs. Perkins opened it up...I was in big trouble and I was the victim that time...Oh so many memories. hahahahahahahahaha....The cheese on the radar was limberger....And then there was Billy Bob...Poor thing...I thought he would die in the zippered bag...Freddie was right there with him trying to help him....Oh dear. hahahahahahaha....


wish I could keep a straight face while I read these past few posts, but rememeber? I was there, only I was in the office.  Remember everybody getting frantic cause they couldn't get the bag off of Billie Bob's head.  I told them to leave him alone, when he run out of air, he'd take it off himself.  Remember Donnie McCollum telling Mrs. Knox (sub teacher) she couldn't hit him (new law, you know) and her comment was "watch me" and whacked him up side the head and then marched him to the office by the ear.  Now with that one I couldn't hardly keep a straight face.  You talking about the study hall - I have 4 oak chairs from the study hall.  My father-in-law bought about 10 at the auction and gave me some.  I sat in those same chairs when I went to high school.  Did you all know that teachers and personnel alike were expected to wear dresses when I started working at the school?   Frances Perkinis and I dared each other to wear slacks the next day and we did.  Pant suits, however.  We got some stern looks from Mr. Culbertson,  but from that day forward one by one teachers began wearing slacks from time to time. Times have changed, however I don't know if the changes have all been good.  Yes, Wilma, there were a lot of trouble makers, and a lot were from Howard.  Ask the Howard teachers and they would say most of the trouble makers here were from Severy.  Think the kids were asserting their freedom in a town separate from their parents for the day.  Also it was about the time that they decided teachers could not discipline students and the students really took advantage of that to see just how far they could push it.  I won't go into things we done when I was in school. 

Diane Amberg

    I started teaching elementary school in 1966...only dresses and skirts then. I went through at least one pair of panty hose a day,( and yes, I was around before they were developed.) Those kids were hard on my nylons! But, when Emma Peale showed up on the "Avengers" in those great pant suits, we teachers petetioned the school board for the right to wear nice pant suits and won.  Always wore pants after that.


I am certainly old enough to remember rules that said all skirts for the ladies and all coats and ties for the gentlemen, but I can't say I ever understood them. I did a management fill-in gig at Visa International as recently as 1995 and, although slacks for women were acceptable, all men wore ties and all management wore suits, whether male or female.

I also remember when I left there (San Mateo, CA) and was looking around for my next consulting contract, I interviewed at Intel in Roseville, CA. I rushed up from work at Visa in a three-piece suit and was ushered into a conference room for an interview with plant management. I was the only one in that conference room wearing long pants! Everyone on the Intel management team was wearing shorts, pullover shirts, and sandals.


Oh sister.... hahahahahaha
And Flo... hahahahahahahaha
oh I remember so many things, but I was out of school when you both were there..
But as you were telling it..
I was right there witnessing it.. hahahaha
Thanks~~ I needed that hard laugh.. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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