Looking forward to fair

Started by Rudy Taylor, July 06, 2007, 09:55:38 AM

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Thank you, Rudy and Marcia! I have a whole slew of those that were published in various and sundry church bulletins, and I just love them, for some reason.

I appreciate you letting your funny laundry see the light of day.



Rudy, I love that.  Do you have more?  We all need an early morning laugh.


I don't know why it is that we..as humans .. love to laugh at the 'mistakes"... but they are so funny.
Like I just howl when I see video's of people falling down. Isn't that awful? Cause you know that they had a good chance of being hurt.. but it is so funny. The other day I got a video of ducks and roosters running after people and trying to bite them. My gosh.. I laughed til the tears ran.. cause these poor people were genuinely scared and was running and falling and the "fowls" just kept pecking and trying to get to them. hahaha
Kjell and I have had numerous requests to make a video of all the bloopers that we do when we video.
At Oklahoma .. we had about 15 out takes before we finally "thought " we had it..

We ended up using one intro that was a partial blooper. One problem we have when we make intros live around people, is that they want to talk to us or make comments while we are filming. On the other hand, it doesn't take much before we both start giggling and that doesn't help either.

So.... maybe in the future, we'll make a blooper video.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

    Oh, my goodness, you could keep Jay Leno in material for months. Printed and vocal bloopers are my all time favorites!! They put me right on the floor. I guess after teaching things for so many years, and making so many slip-tongue goofs myself, I appreciate the humor. I used to tell my First Responder and EMT classes that I wasn't responsible for what came out of my mouth after 2 pm. Thank you, you made my day!!!!

Janet Harrington

I loved it.  I laughed and laughed.

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