Looking forward to fair

Started by Rudy Taylor, July 06, 2007, 09:55:38 AM

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I remember the first time I came to the Elk County Fair and they stopped you at the entrance for "admission" - was shocked cause never had to do that at the Greenwood County Fair.  Took the granddaughter last summer and was all prepared to pay, and no one there to take the money.  :) Not many people or exhibits there either.  That's when I learned that Howard and Longton alternate, or at least that was what I was told by someone.  Did enjoy the parade downtown.  Thought it was a great parade for a small town.  I'm trying to become a Howardite and learn the traditions and etc.  :-\ ::) 8)

Rudy Taylor

I shouldn't tell this, but ... my wife just proofread the front page of the Flint Hills Express and quipped, "That's nice --- they're holding a PUBIC fashion revue in the Cox Building on Wednesday night." 

See? There definitely will be something for everyone at this year's fair!  But we'll make sure it's PUBLIC rather than PUBIC.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

W. Gray

Since you have been in the newspaper business for a good period of time, the law of averages would naturally dictate some bloopers.

Perhaps you could share some boo boos that have made it to the final print?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU



People (including yours truly) love mistakes as long as they are not their own.



See, Rudy, we all want the bloopers.


So, c'mon, Rudy, fork 'em over....



The thing I will miss this year, is the carvinal with a Mid Way so I could get a corn dog and funnel cake. This is the first year we will be in town when the fair is on a week-end.
At least we can go see the 4-H entries, which I always enjoy.
Army Mom

Rudy Taylor

OK, just a couple.  One of them happened only a month ago when several members of our family went together to host a garage sale. The lady who owns our drugstore came in the office the day after our paper went to press.

"I saw your ad in the paper," she said, "and I might be interested in the "one night stand" that you listed in the ad.  But she made it clear she wasn't interested if it involved me.  And, yes we did sell one nightstand in our sale.

Yes, I've run all the well-known ones, including a "shirt sale" without the "r" in shirt, and I once had the Methodist ladies sinning all evening long.  The word should have been "singing."

A sweet little lady once ran saying she had "whore milk" for sale.  "Whole" milk would have been better, I'm sure, but then I've never .... naw, better not go there.

When I was a young radio announcer, I frequently read a commercial that ended with, "...for the best in bread, try Colonial."  One night I said, "For the breast in bed, try Colonial."  Nobody ever mentioned it to me.

Over in Altamont where we run a newspaper, local mamas were upset when they read in the sports news: The Labette County girls won the SEX competition for high hurdles.  It should have been SEK (southeast Kansas).

Thirty years ago, our preacher was young,  spunky and gave spirited sermons. One night he talked about the apostle Paul and young Timothy. "Maybe we all need to be little Pauls and little Timothys," he said. "We could use a few little John the Baptists and we sure could use some little Peters!"

There were no volunteers from the crowd, but a few of the older guys sure did squirm.

OK, gotta go to sleep.  This probably already will get me in lots of trouble.

It truly is "a wonderful life."

Marcia Moore

     I remember when I was working for Sam & Mary Shade at the Sedan Times Star (but not as a proof reader), the newspaper won the "Blooper of the Year Award."  I cannot recall what small community news the news brief was in, but it was a community over towards Cedar Vale.  I remember it mentioned Flava Bever, as well as some other women, who spent most of one day the previous week visiting with the local shit-ins. (rather than shut-ins)

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