Started by Teresa, July 04, 2007, 09:40:19 PM

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W. Gray

Sent an Email today.

It has been 38 years since I was in the 7th and I am not sure what happened to the unit after the fall of Saigon.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

W. Gray

Turns out, jima444 is not from Elk County but lives in Florida.

He googled "seventh finance section" and came up with my post about death money while I was with the 7th Finance Section in Vietnam.

He was looking for a CW4 Gray who was with the 7th around 1965 to 68. I arrived in 1970 but I don't recall ever seeing the name. Additionally, finance warrant officers were extinct by the late 60s.

A CW4 is a Chief Warrant Officer, 4th level, equivalent to a major. CW5 is the limit for warrant officer rank.

Warrant Officers are the "proud but few" with all the benefits and perks of a commissioned officer.

Whereas commissioned officers are considered to be leadership and management generalists, warrant officers are highly specialized technical experts, trainers, and advisors within their chosen field. They do not stray from that field and normally do not assume command.

During Vietnam, the bulk of helicopter pilots were warrant officers. One of them became enraged at what was happening as the My Lai massacre unfolded and tried saving several women and children.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


When I was in school, I had an instructor that was a former Marine Chief Warrant Officer. What began as a pretty serious conflict of ideals ended being a mutual admiration society. Dick Hammersly was a great man, and it took a while for me to realise that he was testing to see if I could cope with the barriers I would encounter in the 'real world'. Apparently I passed when I assured him in class one day that I knew what **** was when I found it, or when I heard it. Ever after he was quite respectful to me, and we became very close associates.  He could not believe when I declined to work for him as lab assistant. I had already entered a student program by that time and just did not have the time for it. Go Marines!


I have noticed that the latest member is not being posted as the latest member at the time they become a member.  Our latest member is johnnie.  johnnie joined us on 11-25.  The latest member posted before johnnie was Patriot who became a member on 10-26.  Since then there have been 16 other people join us, such as Barack Obama on 11-25, cataloglady on 11-28, Earl Wayne Allen on 10-29, Becki-Eck on 11-04.  However, none of these people since Patriot, have posted so there was no way to know that they had joined us. 

Therefore, I wish to extend a warm and hearty welcome to each and every new member to whom there has been no "Welcome to our Forum".  You were not overlooked by the older members.  We were simply not told about you.  So WELCOME, please join in our posting, also.  Every new voice should be heard.


Yesterday, while I was not looking, three new people joined us;  Fuzzytoes, UKLN5245 and kimpossibly.  Welcome to our forum.  We are looking forward to hearing from you and, kim, that is a fine little town you are from.


We have more new members; soonermom, buffy, louise and MCaldwell.  I would almost bet that soonermom lives in Oklahoma and, buffy, how is the vampire slaying lately?

It is always nice to have new members.  It makes me wonder what it is about this forum that made you decide to join.  It would be nice if you would take the time to tell us.

Janet Harrington

Mama,  You are so funny.  Asking Buffy how the vampire slaying is going.  LOL


Ah, I see that we have a new latest member posted.  However, there have been several whose names have not made it to the little notice that says latest member.  Please don't think that we are ignoring new members.  You are all just as welcome as you can be.  We look forward to hearing from you, too.  Being a member gives you the right to get on here and tell us all what you think of us and anything else you want to say.  Please do, loud and often.


I do believe that this is our own Pam! Welcome back buddy!  :D


You know, I took another look at the name and since my eyes had cleared up since the last time, I do believe it is our Pam.  So glad to have her back.

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