A Warning to Newcomers About the Elk County Forum...

Started by Marcia Moore, July 03, 2007, 05:54:00 PM

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Marcia Moore

     I love the Elk County Forum, but I feel I should warn newcomers that there is one great drawback attached to it.  It is addictive.  Guess you could classify me as a "user," that has a "persistent compulsive need" for the forum.  I spend way too much time on it.  It is pretty much the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do at night, not to mention checking it out several times during the day.  I used to be addicted to eBay, but that addiction has been superseded by the Elk County Forum.  Guess that is a good thing, though, because an eBay addiction costs a whole lot more than an Elk County Forum addiction.  But still, it is an addiction.  In any case, I consider myself lucky because my husband does not complain about my addiction.  But why would he?  He is becoming an addict, too - always has to question me about the forum or check it out for himself.  And, to make matters worse, the forum gets better all the time, because the membership is rapidly growing, so I can see this addiction getting out of control before long.  Who knows?  Maybe an intervention will be necessary for many Elk County Forum users.  Before long there may be a need for an "Elk County Forum Anonymous" group.
     So consider this your warning.  Be careful.  If you don't watch out, you will become an addict, too.  When that happens to you, just remember I warned you.  I can't help it if you wouldn't listen.   
     By the way, thank you, Kjell and Teresa, for the forum.  It is great!       


Judy Harder

I agree Marcia about the addiction.
I use to  be on a fibromyalgia website and we did the forums and the chat room and I spent more time on there than I did with my family.......LOL..my live in happens to be a dog and he really doesn't care as long as his dish is full and we walk once a day.

I have found this web-site to be almost as bad. If there was a chat room, I would be in it all the time.
I am retired/tired and most of the day is spent on books and or cafe/visiting...etc.
Now, I am even missing out on ball games as I spend my time trying to read all the posts that were here before me.

So, hopefully it will even out in time. My chair and I argue a lot........an hour or so is ok to sit, but not all day.
Praise the Lord we have this wonderful entertaining place to come.................guess I will just have to pop another pain pill and just take what ever comes.

Hugs and God bless
Judy  (oh, hello to you as a newcomer, too)
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


ssssshhhhhh ! ! !

Don't tell Janet -

She keeps talking about starting "anti-addiction" groups.  ;D  ;D  ;D


Lonnie...Lonnie...Lonnie.  Lonnie Smith!

How the heck are ya?!


Marcia.. You are not the only one who is addicted.. 8)

I have lots of people who stop me on the street or e-mail me and tell me that they grab
their coffee in the morning and hurry in and turn on the computer to read the forum.  :)

But ... so do I!

Even though we have to check things on it every day
(making sure everything is working.. )
Kjell and I STILL check it out several times a day for pleasure..

But like I have said a million times...
It wouldn't be a success if it wasn't' for all you who post and share things.
THAT is why people like it!
Heck fire.. That is why I like it too.  :) :) :) :) ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I am on the forum several times a day at work. Our IS department keeps our computers running so smooth that what I can not pull up at home I can at work.
Hats off to Kjell and Teresa. It is a great way for people that do not live in Howard but were born and raised there, to see what is going on.
Army Mom


maybe we need to form a 12 step program---ECFA  8) we could all get together at toots or poplar and discuss in person the things we discuss on the forum and then come back to our computers and let those who could not make it to the meeting know what we discussed ;D



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