
Started by Marcia Moore, July 02, 2007, 08:38:10 PM

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Marcia Moore


Janet Harrington

This will always be in my memory.  I used to date Edwin Clubine at one time and we had hooked up again at Emporia when I went to school there.  That was a sad thing for all those families.


I will never forget that wreck.  Connie was my best friend and I was suppose to be with them after school, but the basketball game that I was playing in changed times and I had to ride the bus.  Angels were watching over me.  Connie had a broken collar bone and my daddy came upon that wreck in his propane truck.  He thought I was in the car with the 3 of them and he was frantic.  He searched for me and found Connie.  He put his coat over her and told her she was going to be alright and stayed with her till help got there.  Our sports bus was behind them and he came on the bus and found me and was so thankful and at the same time so worried about Connie as she was like a daughter to him.  He knew both boys were dead at the time but didn't tell Connie that.  She was dating Lynn Welch at the time.  That is a memory I wish I could forget.  I was a sophmore at that time.


I remember that day, too.  I got home to find Janet sitting by the telephone trying to convince herself that Edwin couldn't have been involved as he was supposed to be at work.  But everything pointed to him as being one of the victims.  Even when Patti got home and told her that  Edwin had been in the car when they picked Connie up from school.  That he and Larry were supposed to have gone back to Emporia but Larry wanted to pick up Connie and take her home before they went back.  It wasn't a good time.


I remember that too..  I was married and living in Colombia Mo.
I didn't know that story sister! :-\

Why don't I ever know anything................ :(
No one ever tells me a gosh darn thing  >:(.
Just because I was gone from home ..somebody should have told me about Daddy putting his coat around Connie and you were on the bus but he thought you were in the car..
I mean.. I know it is sad... but gee whiz.. just now finding out about the scoop on this?
What am I?? The adopted daughter?

((I repeat.. I know it was and still is a sad subject... but ohhh ~~how I crack myself up sometimes..  ;D ;D))

And I apologize if my 'weird sense of humor' offended anyone.  :-*

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Something here before I forget ...(which is likely with my poor mind)

How many people have been killed on the S Curve and the old curve bridge at Severy?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Ole Granny

Interesting  question!  Many years ago crosses were put on the s curve.  As a young child it was very sad to drive by the crosses.  There were many but no clue how many.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


I also remember this accident.  I was also a classmate of Connie's (and Sherri's).  Our entire class took this accident rather hard. For many of us, it was first time that we realized that sometimes life gets cut short.......


that curve west of Severy was known as "suicide curve" when I was a teenager.  Wonder that many more weren't killed as it was a known fact that many had to see just how fast they could make that curve.  Guess that's why they called it suicide.  That day was very tragic.

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