Newer Newbie: lsmith

Started by Wilma, July 01, 2007, 01:38:54 PM

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That's no reason.  That's an excuse.

Janet Harrington

Okay.  You don't have to do your housework, either.  You can do anything old thing you want to.


That's good because that is what I would do anyway.

Janet Harrington

By the way, Judy, I really like your picture.


Hey Lonnie!  Welcome to the forum.

Quote from: Janet Harrington on July 01, 2007, 03:36:58 PM
... I know now that I will have to develop a program that will at least control the addiction to the forum....  What I will have to do is allow you to have computer time when you work is done.  ...
JANET!  Lissen here Missy! You'd better not!  I'll ...  I'll ...  I'll ...  Well, I don't know what I'd do, but I'll think of something.  Playing in the computer is what I do when I'm trying to AVOID housework!

Quote from: Judy Harder on July 01, 2007, 04:47:55 PM
...but already have found it is full of nutty people........just my come on in and enjoy. ...
Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 01, 2007, 04:58:48 PM,,,Not everyone is nutty around here. Some peopleare also fruit cakes!  ;D   ;D   :o   ;D   ;D,,,

Fruits, Nuts, who cares?  Add a little icecream and syrup and you've got a regular banana split.  Say, remember that Saturday morning kids' show?  They had a BLAST doing anything they did ~ just like us here on the Forum!  Okay, maybe it's time for me to stop with the metaphores, I'm getting a little crazy there.
Anyway, Lonnie, have fun here and don't worry; I won't tell Janet that you come to see us ALL THE TIME, and we're going to go on vacation with you two this year ~ so she won't get jealous!


Welcome Lonnie.. :)

And THANK YOU Joanna.. >:(
Just what we need..
Ta Ta to find out that she isn't invited on YOUR vacation...
sighhh!! We'll have to listen to THAT now for the next few weeks..
Way to go Joanna.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Welcome Ismith, to the nut house....check out all the post, and leave us one about you.  And don't forget to check out all the video's that Kjell and Teresa have created. :o
No act of kindness, no matter how small,
is ever wasted.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Joanna on July 01, 2007, 08:29:50 PM

Anyway, Lonnie, have fun here and don't worry; I won't tell Janet that you come to see us ALL THE TIME, and we're going to go on vacation with you two this year ~ so she won't get jealous!

Now, just a darn, I say, darn minute.  You get to see Lonnie all the time.  You go on vacation with Lonnie and his wife.  You go on vacation??????  I just can't believe that, Joanna.  I can't believe that you and Marty would go on vacation somewhere and not invite me.  I never get to have friends.  I just don't understand why I can't have friends like that.  Nobody likes me.  Everybody hates me.  I'm going to the garden and eat worms.  Big, fat, juicy worms.  Little, bitty, scrawny worms.  I'm going to the garden and eat worms.  (And if you didn't sing along with me on that song, I know I don't have any friends).


I wish I didn't have to admit it... buuuutttttt.
I DID sing along.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Drat.  Me too.  Now I'll be singing it all night long.  At least it's better than the bumble bee song! :P

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