
Started by Judy Harder, June 30, 2007, 06:12:23 PM

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Judy Harder

I have been giggling since I came in to see if anyone was  around.......
thanks Janet.........YOU make me feel welcome............LOL........I can see it
is going to be fun.

Only problem I see is I am NOT going to get anything else done.......LOL.....well I am sort  of retired/tired and or just plain lazy...........but will be around.

Janet the pictures I saw from you yesterday was very good. I am so sorry about Lloyd and the funeral home. The funeral home was for me an historical place and when ever I attended a service, it felt like Lloyd was one of my personal friends.........very good guy.

This will be fun. Now I just need to learn how to play with all the buttons and thingys up here on the letter form.........
Hugs to all and God bless.

Oh Jo those were great pictures you showed of the lake....hope you stay high and dry.
so far we are ok here at the housing.......the front units got soggy and a couple of the ladies are mopping up today.

Hope all this rain eases off and lets us have a few hours/days or weeks rest.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


What pictures of Janet's?
Did I miss something?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Thank you, Judy.
Heyyyyyy  Janet --- Welcome to the Forum --- you will just love it here and we hope that now and then you will find a free minute to write a tidbit or two for the rest of us to enjoy.  So happy you are on board.

Lordy-I hate to suck up --- BUTTTT one has to do what one has to do.

TaTa did pay me a wonderful compliment not long ago and I am not one to forget such nicieties.

Janet Harrington

See there, Ms. T.  People do like me.

As for the pictures, I posted two pictures I took at the Zimmerman Fire.  If you will just click on the post I started about the Zimmerman Funeral Home Fire you can look at those pictures.  Feel free to use them wherever.

I sent all the pics I took of the fire to the paper, so that they can chose which one they want to use.  I just hope they got them.


Janet -

When I send things down to the newspaper, I most often get a reply saying thanks.

But . . . in case they're swamped with pictures, etc. - Ill say THANKS for sending your photos down. I'm still not sure they were aware of the fire. Anyhow, they are now.  ;)


Welcome Judy...so glad you have joined the forum.  I too am very thankful to my sister and brother in law for starting this forum.  It is awesome and sometimes when you have a bad day you just read and hope that my sis and Ta Ta start at each other...it will always make you smile.  And to you Ta Ta...welcome as well...you are an amazing person and we all do love you...."Okay..hopefully that is enough of all that". "Rolling my eyes". hahaha...I love you all and really enjoy being a part of this.  ;D


So, Longton is flooded too?  Oh mannnnnnn...........

It is raining again here right now (7:49PM Sunday) in Bartlesville.  And I went to Mass this morning to Thank God for the rain ending!!!!


Janet Harrington

I also told them to call the sheriff's office and see if they can get a story.  I should have given them the fire chief's number.  He should probably give the story.  Anyway, who knows how they will get the story.

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