
Started by Judy Harder, June 30, 2007, 06:12:23 PM

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Judy Harder

Hello to you all.

I finally learned......(hope it lasts) how to post on here.........just wanted to thank who ever emailed
Bonnie Mustoe this web-site.....I think it was Jo and to thank you for something that I am really going to like.

As of this moment we are still flooded in Longton........I live at the housing and the front unit got water logged again. That tenant moved to a different unit.

We are fine and I just wanted to say hello..........

Stay dry and God bless you all.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Hello back at you.

Pop on over to the "Roll Call" and tell us a little bit about yourself.

With the wide variety of topics here, I'm sure you'll find something to comment about.  ;)

Welcome to the Elk County Forum!  :D

Jo McDonald

I have read the name Judy Harder in the Longton items in Flinthills Express many many times...and finally one day Fred and I were in Longton at the cafe eating lunch - in April I think, anyway there were some other people there eating lunch - and in the booth just behind us, were two ladies, one was Beverly O'Neal a friend of mine from long ago, and with her was Judy Harder -- finally got to meet her.  Yes, Judy, I was the one that sent Bonnie the email...You will definitely enjoy this forum -- our daughter Teresa and son-in-law Kjell are a blessing to a lot of us, for starting this web site.  I was out this morning and last evening taking pictures of the high water here --- The Elk City Lake and Park is an island --- there are only nine of us left here -- so we will be happy that we have a nice dry place to stay in.


Thanks Mama for the compliment.. but a forum and website can be made, but it takes people and visits to keep it alive!
(That is where all of you have come in)  ;)

Glad you are on board Judy. You will have a good time in here. We have lots and lots of wonderful warm hearted people who will fast become your friends.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Hummmmm.  I wonder who those warm hearted people who will fast become Judy Harder's friends are?  I wonder why I didn't get that welcome when I joined?  Hummmmmmmmmmmmm


Ohhhh ~~ here we go again~!

**mumbling~~ What a whiny ass... !


*sighing really really loud !*
~~Alright everyone.. pretend that we are JUST starting a hello for Ta Ta...~~

Hello Ta Ta~~ and Welcome to the forum.
It is SUCH a friendly place to be and I am sure you will fit right in since you are such a lovely and friendly person. **choke..hack..cough**
You will make many new friends here and we are so so SO glad you have joined us.

Sigh!  There!.... Happy now?

((Lord almighty.. what I have to do to keep SOME people happy around here.!  ::) ))

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Yes. Yes. Yes.  I am happy now.  I hate being left out.  You know that.  How many times have I begged and begged to go out of town with the Posse and the only way they let me is when I have cried and begged.

Now I am happy.  I'm a friendly person who has friends.  Yes, I said friends.  And the more friends I have, the happyier and friendlier I am. ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:


 ::) Ohhhh for the love of God.. give that woman something to do !
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Oops - I goofed, I thought this was a "Hello" to and from Judy.  :-[   :-[   :-[

Hello, Janet! Welcome to the forum. We're a friendly bunch here.  ;D


If we got any friendlier we would have to live together.

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