Started by Janet Harrington, June 30, 2007, 04:37:37 AM

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I grew up in Elk County and I remember when Dr. Moon and Ernest Gill were at the Funeral Home.
In 1974, my husband Stan Hopwood pastored the First Baptist Church in Howard.  We lived in the pastorium across from the church and my daughter and Sylvia Spurrier were very close friends.  At that time Herb Spurrier was the Funeral Home Director.  We became acquainted with Lloyd Zimmerman during our visits to Howard after we moved back to Georgia.  He was very kind and compassionate with us when my mother Ann Garrett passed away.   We were shocked and saddened when our son informed us of the fire.  Our prayers are for a complete recovery for Lloyd and that in time the healing process will be successful.   I have fond memories of Howard and Elk County and I am so excited over this Elk County/Howard Forum which will allow me to keep up to date on the happenings back there.  I will be glad to receive emails from anyone who wishes to contact me.  I attended the Alumni Banquet in May as my class of 1957 celebrated our 50th year class reunion.  Our best wishes go out to all of you and especially to the Zimmerman family.
Ruby A. (Garrett) Hopwood

I started out as a "Sunflower" and have ended up with "Georgia on My Mind"


Reading through all of the numerous well wishes for Lloyd, I want to let everyone know how much this means to Lloyd and his family.  His brother, Don and I, were at the hospital tonight, and Lloyd is mentally positive and emotionally upbeat.  He is even laughing at our very bad jokes once again.  ;D  He is improving each day.  He is starting to eat semi-solids --- there is always room for jello.  He would love to read as many cards as you want to send since he still cannot receive visitors as yet, except for immediate family.  Thank you all for the support, positive thoughts and prayers.  This does more good than you will ever know toward Lloyd's recovery.

Best Wishes,
Linda Zimmerman
(no not the one that Lloyd married - just a coincidence)
Hi Sunflower  ::)


Linda, thank you so much for the update.  Sounds like prayers are being answered -


I live in Arizona but have family there in Howard and Moline.  My Grandmother Lela Helms and Aunt Boni and Uncle Burl Helms live there in Howard.  My parents Joyce and Bill Bischof along with my sister Jessica Lee and Aunt Joan and Uncle Tom Murphy live in Moline.  I lived there in Howard when I was a child and was friends with Charlie.  I spent many hours there at the funeral home residence playing with Charlie and spending time with his parents.  My sister called me on Saturday to tell me that there was a fire at the funeral home.  Ever since the moment that I found out that Lloyd was on the premesis and was injured I have been praying for a speedy recovery for him.  I just want Charlie and the rest of his family to know that they are in my thoughts and prayers.


I am Delbert and Loretta Riggs' eldest grand-daughter, Amber (Anettia's daughter). I live in Washington State. Wretha Jackson is my Great Aunt. She called mom and told her about what happened, and mom called me to let me know that she found the forum.

Mr. Zimmerman has touched so many lives including mine. I still remember being 9 years old and going with Grandma to the funeral home to check on Great Grandma Mae before her funeral. Mr. Zimmerman was so kind and gentle, and still is. I met him again when I was 15 and Aunt Wretha was preparing her estate, and again when Grandma passed in 2002. Just last August Mom and I came to see Aunt Wretha and we stopped by to see Mr. Zimmerman while we were in town.

I wish him a full recovery and know in my heart that God is looking out for him. Such a beautiful person will not go un-rewarded for his service to others. My prayers go out to Mr. Zimmerman and his family.

Amber Alexander
Tacoma, WA


Heya stndglslady (Linda)!!  You and Don give each other an enormous hug for me.  And thanks for keeping an eye on my kid for me, that means THE world to ME!  Love you guys...Linda


Thank you Teresa for posting the pictures and we knew you were busy. I just cannot in mind think what it will look like, standing in Helen's front yard looking at the funeral home. When Rachael called from Germany she couldn't believe it happened.
Thanks again, Army Mom


If you do not live in Howard how could we get a card to Lloyd?
Thanks Army Mom

Jo McDonald

That is what I would like to know.  i really would like to send him a card...however we still do not have any mail service here at the park - but the manager and the ranger took some things for me Tuesday and posted them for me.  This isolation thing is sure new to us-- but we are stil high and dry and have smiles on our faces, and lots of water still around us.  lol


Somewhere on one of the threads, there is an address for Lloyd at the hospital.  I think Janet posted it.  I can't find it.  maybe someone else can.

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