Started by Janet Harrington, June 30, 2007, 04:37:37 AM

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Janet Harrington

This morning we were shocked awake by the fire sirens going off at 5:30 a.m.  Listening to the police scanner we have been able to learn that the Zimmerman Funeral Home was on fire and that there appeared to be one injury.

On the scanner we heard that EMS needed to come to the backside of the funeral home as one man was injured because he had jumped out of the top story.

The fire chief has called for the Moline Ladder truck to help battle the fire.

Since Jim is not a fireman anymore, I will have to gather details from other sources.

Please pray for our firemen to fight and contain this fire and pray for whoever the injuried man is.  If I had a name I would share it, but I do not know if it is Lloyd Zimmerman, the owner, Robin Haines, assistant to Lloyd, or someone that may have been helping Lloyd out.  Also, Don Smith lives just north of the funeral home and his home is just a driveway apart from the funeral home.  He also has a two story house, so it is possible that the injuried man came from the house next door.

I will put more on as I learn the details.


Thanks for letting us know, I heard all the sirens about 10 minutes after Danny left for work. Hope that the injuries are just minor

Janet Harrington

One man was injured.  The owner, Lloyd Zimmerman, jumped from the top story to escape the fire.  He has been transported from the Greenwood County Hospital to Wichita.  His injuries are not life threatening, but I would place him as a serious injury.  It is unknown if any of his injuries are burn injuries.  I pray that they are not.

From watching the fire, it appears to me that this will be a total loss.  The firemen have been unable to keep it contained to one area.  Sometimes in older buildings, which this funeral home is, a fire will get into the ceiling area and just go everywhere. 

According to my sources, (which are credible), Zimmerman did not have any deceased clients in there.  Thank the Lord as losing your deceased loved on in a funeral home fire would and is just about the most devasting thing a family can suffer from.

I did take pictures with Lee Howell's camera and will get in touch with him later and download those to my computer.  Then I will share with the forum.


Janet, can you let us know how Lloyd is as soon as you find out. Also did it damage Don Smiths house?
Army Mom

Janet Harrington

According to my sources, Lloyd is at Wesley Hospital in critical condition with smoke inhalation.  They do not know what kind of injuries he has from jumping from the top story as the breathing issue is top priority right now.

As for Don Smith's house, that is unknown to me.

I just came home from being at Toot's for coffee and the firemen are still battling the fire.  I could see visible fire, so they are having lots of problems.  The city is trying to keep the water going, but are having problems keeping enough water going to keep the firemen going.

However; we are using a ladder truck with a hose that goes all the way to the top of the ladder and they have been putting water on that building full force.  It doesn't take much for our little water plant to have problems with that.  A learning experience for everyone.

Please pray for Lloyd as he battles this situation.


I talked to Charlie not long ago.  Lloyd is in the surgical intensive care unit and the immediate concern is the smoke inhalation.  Lloyd has broken ribs, a broken arm, fractured vertebras and fractured (broken) pelvis.  I don't think they've yet ruled out the possibility of internal injuries.  When I hear more from Charlie I shall pass it along.


Terrell and I are keeping Lloyd and his family in our prayers as well. One of T's coworkers is a Zimmerman family member so this misfortune strikes doubly close to home.


The video is on the new board that we have created.. "Videos & Slideshows"
I just got it done and have it on the forum..

Check it out.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, an awesome job - but brought tears to my eyes and chills to my body.  Special prayers are going up for Lloyd and his family.  I have just been asked by a citizen to let them know how to find this site.  She knew nothing about it, so gonna do that now.  Thanks for the pictures.


What hospital is Lloyd in? Wesley? So we can send cards.

Great video, Teresa - Thanks!

It's all so very sad. I know Lloyd is lifted up in prayer by many people.

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