High water

Started by okiemon, June 29, 2007, 08:09:43 AM

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Janet Harrington

Talking to Richard Clark at Toot's today, he says he has poured out 20 inches of rain from his gauge since Thursday morning.  Now, I don't know if that is here in Howard or northeast of Howard at his farm.  His gauges are the highest I have heard so far.


Back home!
Man! What a night!
I have never in all of my born days seen water and rain like it was.
I have miles of footage and lots of pictures.
I also will do right quick a slideshow of Zimmerman's.
We got back in town this morning ( had to drive through about 3 foot of water at the north end of the country) about 9:30 and stopped and took pics of the fire.
Will have lots to post.. but may go out this afternoon and check some other places..
But rest assured.. you all will get to see some "stuff".
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Ole Granny

Water Over Elk Falls Bridge Yesterday Evening
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Hi friends and neighbors,

Terrell and I had planned to be at Harmony this weekend to finish our party clean-up and just enjoy being there without a deadline. We received a last-minute invite to a birthday party for Friday night (which was a great time!) and decided to stay in Wichita and tend to some much-neglected housework. T must have enjoyed shampooing carpet at Harmony so much, he's decided to do it here, too! LOL

Anyway, we're enduring the nonstop sky-leak here as well, though our thoughts and prayers are with Elk County folks who are getting far more rain. In the back of my mind I'm wondering how Harmony's basement is, whether we'll find an indoor pool when we arrive there Tuesday evening. No sense in worrying as it accomplishes nothing and only makes for a stressful existence. I would have to agree with a previous post that said everyone prayed last summer for an end to the drought...well, it doesn't seem like we'll have that issue this year. This is a case, however, of too much of a good thing.


Great picture of the Elk Falls Bridge.!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Tried to get to town this morning, but had to turn around several times! Cookson's lake borders Billy's parents house and we couldn't get through. We could barely see the top of the gate to the watershed. Billy said he'd never seen it like that before! So we turned around and went back north. There was still water over our road (Road 14) in front of our house. And parts of Cresco (Rock road) were underwater but passable. The soybean field across from our house looked like a lake last night. The beans were just planted Monday. It's frustrating, it about makes me want to cry when I hear it start raining again! Dan Miller's hay field north and east of his house was underwater and the current carried away some of the large round bales! I've heard on the scanner that they've been looking for alternate routes all over the place.

I'll get my pictures on here as soon as I can. This is the first I have been able to connect to  the internet, as I have dial up and our phone line has been underwater and all messed up!!!

My guage says we've gotten over 20 inches, not including what's falling right now.


That would probably be the beans the ranch had planted.  Marvin said when he ck'd them they were under about 6' of water.   :(

Roma Jean Turner

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you in Elk County.  Everytime I leave the house and come back, I check into the site to see the latest and who is able to check in.  I can't imagine what this must be like for all of you.  I was 6 when we had the 51 flood in Chanute, KS and still remember that.

Flo, I know there is an RV Campground on South Fe in Chanute, but don't know of course whether that is at all practical for you guys or even if the roads would be open to get there.  I can't find a phone number for it in my Chanute phone book, but it is a few years old.    There is a list for RV Hookups in that area in the front of that phone book for Chanute, Iola, Erie, Yates Center.  If you need those addresses let me know.  There aren't any phone numbers.


romaj, I've heard the Neosho River is at flood stage as well. Allthough I lived in Chanute for a year and am familiar with the RV campground you mention, I'm not sure how close it is to the river. I would imagine the towns to the north that you mentioned might be the better options.

Dee Gee

I don't about the towns to the North such as Chanute, but here Independence we can only go south on Highway 75 the others are closed due to high water. Attaching two pictures the first is just south of the 75 & 400 junction and the second is just east of Independence.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

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