Where is every One?

Started by usetube, October 14, 2005, 04:28:29 PM

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  Every one must have went south for the winter, or the cat got there tongue!
    :( :( ::) :D

Janet Harrington

No, haven't gone south for the winter.  Just soaking up these October temperatures because they won't last long and it is odd to have these kind of temps in October.  Whadda think?  Great, great weather.


You are right this kind of weather won't last to long.
Hope we will have A mild winter, sure would help the gas bill's.


I am sorry that I haven't been on more. :-[
I am up to my ears in massage work and also helping my husband in the world of Cowboy Action Shooting..  www.cascity.com  and also our buisness Halloway's Mercantile.

I will try to do better. I do come in and read and catch up .. but I will do better about posting once again..
even if it is silly stuff..( which is what I am best at)

Until then... The weather has been great... now it is cold and I am going to be grumpy. >:(. ( and I apologise for that before I get there..  ;D)
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