Good Nite All

Started by flo, June 25, 2007, 10:20:04 PM

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Diane Amberg

 Hey, July 23 is my anniversary too. 37 years


Coincidences abound! I already wished you a happy anniversary, Diane, and it sounds like you had one. I hope that Kjell and Teresa had one as outstanding, and from Jo's description, it sounds like they did. Anniversaries are great times to celebrate, and reminisce, and plan for the future. Congratulations to the four of you!



Been reading all the good posts on here.  Guess it's time to call it a night as 3:00 AM comes pretty early.  Everyone of you have a beautiful tomorrow.  Rudy, wanted to let you know all is well in the eastern suburb of Beaumont America.  Good Nite All !!!!!! :angel: :angel: :angel:


Signing off time for me too.  Good nite my friends and aoyp :angel:

Rudy Taylor

Oh, Sally, I hope I didn't offend you by my "wooden water tower" comment. I promised I'll visit Piedmont soon.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


 :-[ I've spent four hours on this site today - That's way over my ration for the week

I'll be back to catch up later - Like August  :-\

San Antonio Tx.


No ! No! No! Rudy.  You did not hurt my feelings at all.  Just a joke.  You should also know that I grew up in the other suburb of Beaumont.  Some will know it as Latham.  You can tell I have traveled far in my life.

Rudy Taylor

OK, I've been to Latham --- it's waaaaaay out there.  More than 50 years ago, I drove with my parents to a ranch out by Latham to look up an old cowboy friend of my parents, Howard Moore.  We actually found him living in a one-room cabin in the middle of the biggest ranch I've ever seen. He was enjoying life, too.   Never married, just took care of cattle.  I suppose he died many years ago. And, I've driven through Latham a couple times since then, too.

I love small towns.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


It really is a small world.  Yes he is gone now.  He also introduced my parents to each other. I tried living in Wichita once, but it wasn't for me.


Tomorrow afternoon I'm going up to visit Chris & Dana in Manhattan.  They just bought their first house and you know what that means...  I get to take them all the stuff we've been storing for years! ;D  Okay, not all the stuff, but all I can get in a nice big vehicle anyway; and I've been taking lessons from the world's champion packer for 25 years. ;) 

If I can pick anything up or run any errands in that area for any of you, let me know in the morning!  "Later" to all you night owls, and sweet dreams to the normal folks. :) 

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