Good Nite All

Started by flo, June 25, 2007, 10:20:04 PM

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Janet Harrington


Who you calling a child, Son?


Revel in it Wilma.. how often does it happen?   ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well it is 11:00 and we have had a full day.
To start out.. I have been sick with a horrible head cold since Tuesday. I have done no massages and Rochelle and I have kept Mason away from me for fear that he will get it.
She has taken the week off and I have stayed inside and gone through 4 boxes of Kleenex.. a half bottle of pure Eucalyptus oil spray to keep my sinuses from blowing my head apart.
I have had an eye Dr appt for 3 weeks and I didn't want to miss it, so off we went to Coffeville where I had my appt. got bifocal glasses ordered ( they will be here Wednesday) and then we headed back to Independence. Messengers was having a sale on furniture and I wanted to go in and look at divans and recliners.
Well, we did more than look. We bought a sofa with 2 built in recliners, and a Lazyboy rocker recliner, a really cool large end table with long straps and buckle like deal on it.. and a dining room table and 4 chairs.
So guess we are set with some furniture for the new house.
I have a great solid oak kitchen table with 4 chairs  that I bought 2 years ago.. but I wanted one for the dining room.. so I really like this one. Guess I will sell my kitchen table and chairs cause I don't have room for both.
Then we stopped at Walmart and bought an 18 pc fried chicken, some baked beans and some twice baked potatoes..and took off for Mama and Daddy's campsite.
We had a wonderful evening laughing and eating and visiting with them and then we came home. Got stuff unloaded and I am now in my night shirt and have my chest sprayed with Eucalyptus and have sneezed about a million times and already gone through a half box of Kleenex on my poor old sore nose...but I had a great day and now am ready to go to bed.

Good night everyone.. sweet dreams...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well, the day is done and I am more than ready to hit the hay.
Didn't get everything done that we wanted to, but that is ok...I'll go to bed in a bit and get up early and get started and maybe have a bunch done before my little angel boy Mason gets here by 8:45.

I did get my new glasses.. and I don't know if I am sold on them or not. I have my magnifying glasses on right now. I'm afraid I am going to have to use them when I work on the computer. The reason is:
The kind of bifocals they got for me is the ones with the invisible line.. BUT.. ( here is the crappy part) there is just a small window in the middle of the bifocal part that is "bifocal".
The other parts on both sides are blurry.
Go figure!
So you can't look or glance to the side and see. You have to turn your head and then kinda "find" that spot and then look.
And where the invisible line of the bifocal part starts, it is too high. So when I look out, I have to kind of drop my head a little bit.
Very un-natural for me ..
I am not good with change of any kind, and my patience is very limited to having to get used to anything new or different.
So I can't really say I hate them..( yet) but I am close to not liking them much.
But I promised myself that I would give them a try through out the weekend.. then if I can't get used to them the way that they are, I will call them and I will have the ones with the line in them I guess and the bifocal part clear across.
( Why they can't give me the full bifocal part clear across the bottom without the line is beyond me. ..cause that is really what I want)
but we will see....
We Took Mason with us to Coffeville today and he is such a jewel to take places. He had his first teething biscuit and man oh man ..did he love that.
The longer he chewed on it, the softer and soggier it go. He got it in his hair and all over his face and hands and arms and clothes. LOL
So in the Pizza Hut bathroom, I virtually bathed him and changed his clothes..But he didn't care.. he was happy.

On the way home between Moline and Sedan, there was a semi truck and trailer that went off the road and was turned over on its side. By the black marks on the road, it looked like his tires went over the edge and he couldn't get it back.. either that or he went to sleep.. Haven't heard anything about it.

Picked up Ashley from Moline  school today and she was with me tonight until almost 8. She loves school and it is amazing to me what they are having them do in Kindergarten. Writing and numbers and all kinds of stuff that we didn't do until about 1st grade.
The little pistol is going to be a card shark. She beat me a few games of Crazy 8..and the ones I beat , I had to work hard at. She holds those crazy 8 cards until the end and then just hammers me with them..  ;D
( That was why I didn't get the rest of the guttering done.. but time spent with her is more important than the guttering being washed.  ;))
Well, I have blabbed long enough... Better get to bed if I am going to get up with the chickens..

How was your day today?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I've got lineless bifocals, and they work great for me.  The bottom bifocal goes clear across the bottom, and you shouldn't have to struggle to get focused.  My vision is REALLY BAD, and I use these glasses for everything, including the computer.  Give them a try, and then complain if they don't work for you.  Just an opinion........



Teresa, I know exactly how you feel.   I am still trying to get used to the new glasses I got less than a year ago.  I have to have trifocals and I did pretty good with them as long as the focal parts went all the way across the bottom of the lens.  This time they told me I couldn't get those any more and had to go with the partial bit.  I got the biggest focals available but I still have to move my head instead of my eyes to see and as for reading, there is no comfortable place for the book.  Either it is too high or too low and my head goes up and down like a bobble head.  Quite tiring.  I don't mind the line because if the glasses are adjusted right, it becomes invisible.  But the reading bit is too low and the distance bit is too high.


Teresa, I have no-line trifocals and have worn them for many years!!!  For me, they are much easier to use and especially with the computer.  It sounds like your glasses are either not adjusted on your face correctly, or perhaps they lenses need to be prepared differently.  For me, I have to have the mid-point, and lower-point lower than they normally put them.  If they make them for me like most people, I am looking through the mid-point (tri-focal).  It is most uncomfortable, and makes my eyes pull.  Don't give up until you have them readjusted, or perhaps talk to them about how the corrections are actually positioned in the lenses.


Roma Jean Turner

I can't imagine just having a little square for the bifocal, either.  I have worn no line bifocals for years and love them.  I have the line a little higher on mine because of doing acupuncture and using the lap top all the time, but it
is all across the bottom.  Perhaps whoever sold them to you was trying something new and wanted to see how it
would work out.  If you don't start to adjust to them within a few days,by golly, I'd go back and get what I wanted.
(I always hate it when I say what I want and someone else thinks they have a better "what I want"). 


Thanks everyone for the suggestions and sharing what you have.
They told me that they couldn't give me the bifocals with no lines. That if I got the half and half..I would have a line because it is ground in.
Maybe I misunderstood.. They were wonderful there and told me to try them and if I didn't like them to bring them back and they would keep trying until I got something that would work..
I am going to go back on Tuesday I think.. The distance vision isn't right either. I still think I should be seeing sharper than I do.. and I am going to get the half and half.. line or no line..
I have really weird eyesight .. I really like Dr Rettele, so I am confident that I will get it straightened out.

I had a very busy day today.. It is just too much to write about.. but I will say that in the middle of doing 100 things all day I did manage to make and cook Derek's birthday supper and it was delicious! We all went to Marks and ate there, so it was a good family time.
But get this.. Kjell couldn't get over how much my family eats. We came home and we were putting the leftovers in the fridge, he said..
" I only ate this much and that much.. Is THAT ALL the food that was left??"
I have to laugh..
Let me tell you .. My family eats!

I boiled 2 full chickens ( and a bunch of bony pieces that I saved for broth making) and made 12 eggs ( 8 cups of flour)  into noodles..and peeled about 7# of potatoes and mashed them. I made 18 LARGE crescent rolls  And a Norwegian cake for dessert.

I had about 2 cups of potatoes left... 3 cups of noodles, 2 rolls, and half a cake.
My family have always been huge eaters and when we have BBQ's and cook outs there is always plenty of food set before everyone. No one ever leaves my table hungry.  ;D
***As you can tell by the way we are all shaped***  ;D :D

Kjell and I have  huge day tomorrow. I start out doing a massage early in the morning and then the rest of the day we are going to go over and work and paint on the house.
But I am excited to get started on it.  I will take before and after pics.
The little house is already sided, but the windows were not wrapped ( who knows why they weren't  ::) ) So we are going to trim them out in a color, but I don't know what one yet..
( But my mama will have to approve.. )  ;D ;D hahaha( private joke)

But I will share the pics of what it is and what we change on it..when we are all done.

Need to get to bed...
Hope everyone sleeps well.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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