Good Nite All

Started by flo, June 25, 2007, 10:20:04 PM

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Roma Jean Turner

The shower thing must be another trait.  Chloe jumps in the shower as well.  She loves the water.  I try to shower in the morning while the dogs are out so that I don't end up with paw prints all over the tub. It's especially funny when she decides to jump on the side of the tub with wet paws and falls back in.  Every one says they are quirky little dogs and I agree, but what comedians.


LOL! All of that is true, true, true. They are funny little rascals.


Diane Amberg

 Now I lay me down to sleep,
a big cicada at my feet.
If it chatters and I wake,
a mighty leap this girl will take!

Rudy Taylor

Kermit, no we don't have a poetry column in our newspaper. Fact is, we usually turn
down poems when people send them in. The biggest reason is that some get too emotional,
especially after the passing of a loved one.  I received one that was 15 pages
long, written in long hand. The writer was furious when I returned it to her.

So, most newspapers have a policy of not printing poetry.  I've often thought about
opening those doors once a year and let 'em have at it. I've read some very good
lines on this forum, including Diane's most recent one.  But then, Diane is fancy.
We're plain.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

Diane sure doesn't see herself as "fancy."  Our big daily paper from Wilmington does print those sorrowful poems, for a price.  I do write simple poems on occassion, usually, but not always, for kids.

Roma Jean Turner

 :laugh:Love the little poem Diane!!!!

Diane Amberg

Janet Harrington

My dog, Fritz, loved those Cicadas.  He would catch them and eat them.  They are good protein.  Colonel really doesn't pay that much attention to them, yet, but he probably will bring a few in when they start bothering him.  I have seen alot of them at the prison facility.

Diane Amberg

Our Blue Jays love to eat cicadas.

      Now I lay me down in bed,
      A fluffy pillow 'neath my head.
      My husband curled beside me near,
      No better place to be than here.

       Good night all.


It's been a horribly busy week past. I worked 7 days in a row, got one day off, but ended up having talk my boss through a proceedure over the phone that day. Then when I returned to work the next day, my boss told us that data entry was to be first priority. I did not get ANYTHING else done all week long. On Friday, I went to her boss to complain, and stayed 3 hours over to get my stuff done.

This morning my husband leaving for a mission, and wouldn't you know it, he waited until the morning of to pack his bags. He was running all over the house, yelling at me and the kids cause he couldn't find his PT uniform. And of course, that was our fault because the kids are messy and I never put his things away where he can find them. Oh, and here's the topper... He is the ONLY one that cleans up after himself. This he said to me as he was standing in front of his computer desk, which has to have a folding utility table next to for all of his crap because he never throws anything away. I just looked at him, turned around and left the room.

So, after he left, I went shopping. The house is getting a make-over while he's gone.

Well, time to get some dinner going for me and the kids.

Night all.

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