Good Nite All

Started by flo, June 25, 2007, 10:20:04 PM

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Diane Amberg

 Have a wonderful visit and no hurricanes to chase you away.


well, tomorrow is the Johnson reunion.  Have spent most of today bringing up things from the basement that I'll need.  Made my checklist of things "not to forget", have 2/3 of it carried to the vehicle and tomorrow morning can have my coffee, start the food cooking and shower while it does, dress, one last check of my list, finish carrying to the vehicle, pick up the granddaughter and her friend and I'm on my way to a great day with relatives and friends in downtown Piedmont.  Right now, think I'll relax in the recliner a bit then see what needs doin' tonite.  Check in with ya'all tomorrow nite.  Take care and nitie nite - aoyp  :angel:

Diane Amberg

  Have a wonderful time :) :) :)


Well, it's not quite bedtime here, but I think I'm going to sign off for the evening.

Today I cleaned and organized both the kids' rooms. What a chore that was!!! I'm going to plop my butt on the couch and find a movie to watch.

I'll check in with you all tomorrow!!!

Roma Jean Turner

It's great to be home and crawl in my own bed.  I decided to wait and pick up the dogs tomorrow so I can actually have an uninterrupted nights sleep at home.  We'll see how this works out. Good Nite

Ole Granny

Good night all!  Long day.  Drove to Lawrence in PU with a load for grandson.  Moving him into an apartment instead of the dorm.  Sure will miss him again.  Must comment on downtown Lawrence flowers  on each corner.  Many sweet potatoe vines, petunias etc.  This year they are truly gorgeous.  Sweet dreams.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


They did a great job this year, huh?

Those boxes are just gorgeous.



Your grandson is moving to Lawrence and my oldest son just moved away from Lawrence after living there for the last 7 years.  He has moved to Overland Park to be closer to his new job in Kansas City. 

I will miss Lawrence terribly.  I love that town and it was so easy to get around in. Not to mention the neat little shops and places down on Mass street.   Just a neat town all the way through. 


Has it really been 7 years?

My, my, time flies. Seems like almost just yesterday.


Yes, Debbie, it has been 7 years since my little (not really)  Corey left home for a better life. (HA!)   He loved Lawrence, but gradually as all the guys graduated from KU and left, he was the only one still there.  His fiance just graduated in May, so the jobs for both of them are much more plentiful and pay is better in Kansas City.  So he left and is now near the old cronies once again....Jeff, Kerry, Dustin, and Mike.     I am sure the fiance is just thrilled .... cause those musketeers are quite a combination. 

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