Good Nite All

Started by flo, June 25, 2007, 10:20:04 PM

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Congratulations! It's always good to have a lot of hard work pay off.

Three cheers for Kjell and Teresa!


I will say goodnight right now as I have a massage to do and then I have to work , and then I am going to bed..early tonight.. well at least before 11:00 and that IS early for me...

Good night all!~~~

( and I am going to 'sticky' this and put it under the good morning thread  so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of posts... cause I like to think it is a good way to end the evening of posting.)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


CHEER CHEER CHEER (3 cheers for Kjell and Teresa)

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Teresa on June 27, 2007, 09:29:28 PM
made chicken and noodles for supper.

And you didn't have me over for supper?  I just cannot believe that.


Well, I'm saying good night to you all.  I have been off an on here most of the day.  I came back in about 40 minutes ago see if it had quit raining there....  and  forgot I had my grandsons bitrthday cake in the oven....He will be turning 1 years old tommorow.  And now his Mickey Mouse cake is burnt.  OH No!!!  So I will need to start over.  I had set the timer, but forgot to start it.  I hope yu all dry out there sometime soon.
No act of kindness, no matter how small,
is ever wasted.

Janet Harrington

Mickey Mouse cake is burnt!!!!

How drastic that there is a Mickey Mouse cake in this world that is burnt.  That is awful.  I bet it didn't even taste good.

(Sorry, desertlilydarla.  Just had to poke fun at you.)


Mickey Mouse cake burnt and it is still raining here.  And I see that there is a forecast for 60% chance tomorrow.  What is up with all this?  Are we living wrong or what?  I've not seen this much rain in years.  I remember the summer of 1976 here with all the rain prior to 4th of July and then we had a lot of rain in the fall of 1986---we even missed a day of school because of all the rain.  I keep checking my basement to see if it is filling with water, but thank God it is not yet.  I have played out in the rain---well, really worked in the rain, to the point of being completely dripping wet---like I used to as a kid.  I even walked in some flooded ditches.  It really was quite relaxing.  The pool has flooded twice and I have had to drain it down several times.  It seems like such a waste to let all that water go.  The kids would have loved to jump into in flooded like that---just to see it flood the deck.  Hope we get to go swimming again eventually.  Well, I pray that no one is hurt during all this rain and that everyone is dry and safe.  And that all birthday cakes made for any 1 year old from here on out are just perfect.  Good night and God Bless.

Janet Harrington


I, too, have been out on the rain sodden grass.  My dog, Colonel, does not like going outside and getting wet.  Trying to get him to go outside to do his business has been quite the challenge.

This evening, I put on sandels and took an umbrella, then went to the garden to look at the cucumber plants while Colonel figured out he could go potty in the rain.  Tonight, I went out barefoot and waded in the chilly puddles in the back yard.  If this keeps up, I might walk some ditches tomorrow.  Maybe I can find a clogged tube and unclog it for someone and they will be really, really happy because I am a fool walking in the rain and doing some work.  ha ha

I also wanted to say good night.  I would like to share some work stories, but everynight this week, I have been so tired I just couldn't stay up.  I'm sure when I get the process learned, I won't get so tired from working.  My brain is so filled with information that I just don't know if it can hold anymore.

I will tell you that I really like this job.  It is a challenge and I believe it will remain a challenge until I retire.  They tell me that alot of employees can't take working in segregation and so they will quit.  I believe that I can handle segregation just fine and that this is where God has led me to be.  I believe I'll just settle in and stay awhile.  I'll give you an update on how the work was this last week sometime before the weekend is over.

Roma Jean Turner

Please be careful out there in all that water.  Take good care of yourselves.


Well, Janet, since you and I live just a few blocks apart---I bet your ditches could lead to my ditches and vice verse.  If so, maybe we could solve the city's "ditch" problem.  I am a little leary about going barefoot in those ditches, but I may start out at about 11:00.  I'll be the one with the big black lab and a walking stick.  Also, I may have a rope tied around my waist just in case I need to pull away from the current back to my home. 

So very happy to hear that your job is fulfilling.  You know that was the plan all along.  Just had to put your trust in the right one, huh?

Good night once again.

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