LEES, Anna Scott - b. June 26, 1871 - d. January 25, 1911

Started by Janet Harrington, November 12, 2006, 08:01:14 PM

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Janet Harrington

Was born in Huron county, Ontario, June 26, 1871, died in this city, Wednesday afternoon, January 25, 1911.  Added to the active duties of her school work, assiting in the care of her mother, during her late illness, weakened her constitution, so that when she contracted pneumonia she was unable to resist the disease.

Funeral services were held at the home, conducted by her Pastor, Rev. J. E. Deggendorf, interment in Grace Lawn cemetery, Friday afternoon.

In November 1883, she came to Kansas with her parents, and her home has been in Howard since that time.  She attended the Howard public and high schools, later attended two summer sessions of the State Normal at Emporia, and two years at the Kansas University at Lawrence.  She taught several terms in the Howard grades in the High school in that town.  She then went to Newton, teaching two years in the High school of that city.  It was while teaching at Newton that she was so seriously injured in an automobile accident. On account of this accident she was compelled to give up teaching for three years.  For the past three and one-half years she was principal of the Howard High schools.

Besides her school work, Miss Lees was an earnest worker in the church and Sunday school.  For several years she was teacher of a young ladies class in the Presbyterian Sunday school, and in every way contributed a large share to the work of the church.

Her loss to the town and community is greater than can be estimated.  There is no limit to the influence of a good life on humanity, and especially when that life has been poured out to helpl others.  The inspiration of her noble life, so helpful to the young, who so need hlep, will be felt so long as the world stands.

Her work as a teacher and in every walk of life was the best that she could give.  The hundreds who came under her influence as pupils of the Howard schools will ever be better men and women.  They were given an inspiration that will remain with them until the grave.  All mourn, feeling deeply the loss of a loved one, but all are glad that it was their fortune to have known her.


Anna Scott Lees, (b. June 26, 1871 d. January 25, 1911) of Howard, Kansas was my great grandmother's sister.  I would like to know more about any Lees connections around Howard, Kansas.

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