
Started by Marcia Moore, June 19, 2007, 06:28:42 PM

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Marcia Moore


Janet Harrington

I miss her too.  I wish she had not quit, but she did and I don't really know what to do about it.


I miss Lois, too.  Nobody can do the job she was doing even though we get good stuff from Waldo, Dan and even Charlie.  And there are others, I just can't think of them right now.  Except Marcia.  Now her stuff is really good.  Actually, when you think about it for a moment, everyone gives us good stuff.  A round of applause and appreciation for the good contributors to the Elk County Forum.  We could have some animated hands if I knew how to do them.

Roma Jean Turner

I didn't know she had actually quit.  I just thought perhaps she was on vacation.  Has she quit the entire form?

Janet Harrington

As far as we can tell.  She just one day up and said she was resigning as moderator of the Good Old Days and then she deleted her account.  I don't know why and if anyone else does, they are not saying.

Roma Jean Turner

I'll start adding more.  I love to read the old articles.

Ms Bear

I miss Lois too.  Lois, Janet and Marcie really knocked down some brick walls for me and everyone has helped me learn about the area where my father was born and my grandparents met and married.  I hope to visit someday soon.  After it quits raining.

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