
Started by Marcia Moore, June 16, 2007, 05:01:35 PM

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Marcia Moore



I wonder how long it took them to get there - - would be interesting to know and also how much the train fare was.


Wow, M.W. Jones went! That's me!

Of course, there are a lot of "mes" in the world. My father was an orphan and the last orphanage he was in released everyone with the name Jones. Otherwise, my name would have been van der Heidant, which is a bit less common. It also would have kept me from being given the grades of another Michael Jones in college (worse grades) and getting all the wedding presents for another Michael Jones shortly after that, and having to track him down to get them to him.

The world's fair in San Francisco still has a big presence there. The island they build to put it on is still there, on the North side of the Bay Bridge and is now mainly Navy and Coast Guard offices. One of the structures is down in the Marina area, a wonderful Greek Classical domed building. Oh, and there is a restaurant in San Carlos called The Vans who are housed in a building made up mainly of temporary structures they got for free when they broke down the fair.

That's probably more than you wanted to know about both the name and the fair.



I thought the 1904 World's Fair was in St. Louis - and the "Frisco" meant they took the train there.  ???

Marcia Moore



Oh, well, that may be. It is likely that things started connecting in what is left of my brain and I just went off on a tangent. Somebody will scrape me off the wall clear over to the left pretty soon and all will be well again. In the interim, I think I'll just stay here in either 1915 or 1939 since, as it transpires, that is when the two world fairs in San Francisco were held. I leapt before I looked and wound up at least ten years out of place. I've done worse.

I wonder if the took the Spirit of St. Louis to San Francisco?


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