missing bathtub!!!!!

Started by Sandy, June 13, 2007, 03:58:37 AM

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Heads up everyone

Sometime between Sunday night June 10, and Tuesday June 12, someone stole my bathtub!!! :o Now how can this happen, you ask??  Well it was an antique clawfoot tub and it sat outside my old school building here in Howard.  Am I mad >:(

Have people have no shame?  This was no light weight item, it took some muscle to  steal this item, as well as a truck or trailer to haul it off.   Well I immediately called the law and reported my tub missing (a first I'm sure), and the officer  :police: was dispatched here to take my report.  Now Teresa was here on Sunday and said it was still here then, but now it isn't. :'(  How dare people take from others and help themselves to others property!!!!!!

Now this is the reason I am sharing my misfortune with everyone on the forum--I want all of you out there to make this your mission.  FIND MY TUB and find out who took it.  If we all keep our eyes and ears open, maybe we will nab the #$%^$&*!!  If your neighbor suddenly has an antique tub around, let me know.  Oh yes, it was painted black on the outside.

This might actually be funny if it were not for the fact that these tubs go for sometimes $1000 or more on e-bay.  So come on forum members, let's solve this case. :o :o

Jo McDonald

Sandy, I am so sorry you lost your bathtub.  I too get furious that people {dare we call them that ? or something else that i can think of ] take from others,  just because they have the desire to do so?  Why in the world do they think it is their right to do that ???  They need to get off your lazy duff and work like others do and earn the means to buy their own -- AND LEAVE STUFF THAT BELONGS TO ME  ALONE !!!!!


That is sooo mean of people.  :'(   :'(   :'(

I checked with my Jim - and it definitely was NOT the Lions helping with the city-wide clean-up this weekend.

It's probably long gone, for scrap metal, though. So sad.  :'(   :'(   :'(

Ms Bear

RUDE is not even a good description of people that steal from others.  It had to have been more that one person and they had to have had at least a pickup but probably a trailer.  Doubtful that anyone low enough to steal it would be able to get into the back of a pickup.

Stealing anything is still STEALING.  I hope you get it back because I would sure be upset if someone stole something from my yard.


Sad as it may seem, there are thieves everywhere. I guess that I have lived in places of about all sizes and there has always been at least one someone who was willing to make his or her belongings heavier by making someone else's belongings lighter. The rationale behind it has always been a mystery to me, despite some reading on the subject.

When I think of it, the reason always seems to boil down to some phrase or another, all of which include the word "lazy." I was brought up not to want much, and to save up for it if I did want something. It is apparent that there are people who are simultaneously bereft of both ambition and ethics.

One of then now has your bathtub.

I take some comfort in the belief that the universe is nothing if not random, and what allows someone to be freely benefited one day will allow them to be thoroughly inconvenienced the next.



Quote from: kdfrawg on June 14, 2007, 12:40:35 PM

I take some comfort in the belief that the universe is nothing if not random, and what allows someone to be freely benefited one day will allow them to be thoroughly inconvenienced the next.


Ahhh yesss.......
What goes around , comes around.
Everything must go full circle.. it is the only way that karma ..good and bad, is balanced!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Perhaps as the circle revolves, the person with your bathtub will have much darker karma, maybe caused by the tub falling on their toes. At the very best, we should wish them infelicitous bathing.


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