Grade School News April 23, 1953

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The Howard Courant-Citizen April 23, 1953

Grade School News

First Grade
The first and second grades are practicing for their May Day program on Friday, May 1st.  Everyone is invited and we wish all who could, would come.
Jo LaVelle Warren is back in school.
We are reading supplementary readers from the library.
We made clocks from paper plates in arithmetic class.
Mrs. Carl Hubbell visited school Monday afternoon.  Carolyn Ruth treated the class for her seventh birthday, which was April 12th.                                    By Joyce Boone

Second Grade
Those who made one hundred in spelling were: Donna Barber, Helen Bauder, Cary Brinegar, Terry Boone, Ronnie Cookson, Suzanne Crisp, Eldon DeWitt, Tony Gallardo, Susan Harrod, Henry Haun, Gordon Holland, Jo Hugg, Donnie Hunter, Wilma Lister, Juanita Moreno, Sue Perkins, Gary Powell, Melvin Robertson, Ronnie Swinger and Larry Trimmell.
We are working on our May Day program, May 1st.                  By Mary Ellen Loyd

Third Grade
Jack Nash and Lucille Townsley had birthdays last week.
We were happy to have Mrs. Waldo Gray, Mrs. Violet Hebb, and Mrs. Russell Parsons visit our room last week.
In art we drew birds and in science we are studying about the sun.
Joyce Houser, Janice Dennett, Joyce Goodnight, Jimmie Parsons, Cassandra Stephens, Darlene Brady, John Hebb, Shirley Hebb, Maxine Cook, Terry Lauffer, Drusilla Caruthers, Mary Kathryn Vinette and Kenneth Vaughn have turned in their reading certificates for the "Reading Awards" from K.U.                       By Kenny Forsythe

Fourth Grade
The following had perfect spelling lessons: Kenneth Arbuckle, Roger Banning, Nancy Barger, Stephen Barnaby, Louise Bauder, Mark Claypool, Socorro Gallardo, Karen Holland, Sharon Miller, Carol Sue Miller, Patsy Roberts, Sidna Sue Trimell, and Douglas Brady.
The following persons were Wednesday afternoon visitors: Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Banning, Mrs. Elmer Miller, Mrs. Cliff Robertson, Mrs. Wilmer Bauder and Sue.  By Melba Sue DeWitt

Fifth Grade
Paula Moore is back in school after having the measles.
Those having perfect spelling for last week were: Jon Burghart, Dorothy Garrett, Weldon Harrod, Blenda Hebb, LeRoy Iindermill, Sue Kennedy, Jeanie McLean, Barbara Miller, Stephen Munsinger, Sharon Simmons and Jimmie Nash.     By Nadine Baughman.

Sixth Grade
Those who made one hundred in spelling were: Carl Armstrong, Pat Criger, John Claypool, Benny Doughty, John Townsley, Jackie Van Buskirk, Betty Boone, Virginia Criger, Nancy Gothard, Carolyn Houser, Karen Kennedy, Phyllis Lanning, Pam Shipman, Barbara Townsley, and Claudetta Vaughn.
In art, the sixth grade learned to cut letters out of paper.
Jackie Goodnight has finished his K.U. reading report.
Connie McLean treated the class to ice cream bars for her birthday which was April 12th.  By Paula Alt.

Seventh Grade
The week was spent practicing on our play. It was given last Thursday night and judging by the turn out, it was a success.  By Edith Carter

Eighth Grade
We have been practicing our play all this week and we gave it April 16th.  Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Unruh were presented with gifts after the play from the 7th and 8th grades.
In reading we are giving reports for Unit 9 which is "Old Favorites." We have two weeks to get them done.
We elected new editors and room reporters to get the news.  By Betty Cook.
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