Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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I don't know about you all, but as I get tired, I get cranky. Maybe we ahem--- older ladies are just tired of all the B.S. handed out by the other half! Just think what we've been through. I bet there isn't a man here that has been told he could not have a job because some man might need it. Booooooo!!!!!! Been there and been through that! Guess this should be in the soap box section, but this is Friday after all.

Jo McDonald

Ohhhh Diane~~~~~~~~~~~~~~How funny !!! 
I DO hope Sarge will read your post.



Yeah, I read it. That's the biggest bunch of crap I ever heard!
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all

Diane Amberg

See Jo, I told you so... it's brain damage that makes them cranky like that. ;D ;D ;D


Poor babies---- can dish it out but can't take it! :'( :'(

Jo McDonald



Quote from: Sarge on November 29, 2007, 08:03:07 AM
Yeah, I read it. That's the biggest bunch of crap I ever heard!
but he said it with a smile on his face  ;D

Diane Amberg

So are you all having storms out there, or is it all north of you?  Our Blue Hens are in Cedar Rapids today to play Northern Iowa at 2:00 our time.  I think they are in a storm, but they'll play in a dome. That is a big disadvantage for us. The Army/Navy game is on soon also. I don't know why it's not in Philly this year.
We have snow changing to rain tomorrow, so we scooted out and got our tree yesterday. That's awfully early for us, but I found a lovely Douglas Fir that called my name. It's in a bucket of water for now.  I'll start on it in a week or so.  Al is finally back to normal after 8 weeks, so I'll have a wonderful Christmas after all. What kind of trees do you all put up?  Also, did the big out house contest happen yet? How did that turn out?  I enjoyed reading about it in American Profile magazine.


Good Saturday morning everyone.

Diane.. you are up and chipper and are full of questions this morning..  ;)

It was raining this morning. started about 2 a.m. and now it's just windy ( what else is new in Kansas) and kind of cold, but nothing like it should be for this time of year. Someone said it was supposed to be freezing rain tonight, but I haven't checked into it yet.
My daughter in laws and a friend and I are going to get together tonight and have "Hens" night. We are cooking and eating and playing cards.
Teri is making a couple rotisserie chickens, and sourdough bread, Mouse is making Brownies, I am making Baked Bacon Cheese Grits and Blackeyed Peas, and I don't know what Shery is making. But we should have fun.
The men will all be at Deer Camp ..and you know the saying.. " What goes on at deer Camp.. STAYS at Deer camp."
ha ha ha ha..  ;D They have a different Deer camp the first few days of deer season..every night from Wednesday night to Sunday.. Tradition you know... ::)
They all cook, drink and play poker and tell big lies.. lol.
There is generally no females there to dispute them, so they all can strut around and fan their tail feathers... LOL

I got all my outside decorations up last weekend and got my tree up Wednesday.
I opted to not put my big tree up this year, because I just got everything the way I want it in my new house and I didn't feel like rearranging everything to put the large tree up , so I am using my 3 ft. fiber optic with lights and my cowboy decorations that I made a few years ago.. and some that my sister made ( out of shotgun shells) My garland is a cowboy rope and I have a tin star w/candle for the top. I have other odds and  ends of decorations that I used too.
I have literally boxes and boxes of decorations in the basement. But when I use my big tree, I need lots of them. One year I decided to go "elegant" and I bought all light blue and pink everything for the tree.
It looked like something out of Sak's front window.. but the family hated it.   They wanted the Santa's and the ladders and the elves and the old stuff that we had had for years on there, sooooo that was the end of the "elegant" Christmas..  :D

But it doesn't matter what kind of tree I have or any of that.. as long as my family is safe and healthy and we are all together is what counts the most. :)

I have Mason this afternoon. Mouse is painting the living and dining room and so I am keeping him.
He is crawling like the speed of light and into everything, so by the end of this afternoon, I am going to be glad I am only a grandma and can give him back..
although tonight I am usually the one who has to play cards with a child on my lap..
The price I pay for being a wonderful Me-Ma.   ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

Good morning to you all!  I wanted to share the good news that we ACTUALLY had half of our annual rainfall yesterday!  Yes sir e-e-e!  It rained 3.3" at our house!  Prior to this rain, we'd had 3" for the entire year!  So, this is a wonderful rain!

Our daughter, Karen and son-in-law, Gary (Crosslin) moved (back) to Illinois in September, and they were out here this week.  Gary's company has a Christmas party at Palm Springs with two or three days of events, and so they're heading over to Palm Springs this week-end. While they were here, Karen made several batches of candy for us, to have for Christmas exchanges, etc.  She is the best cook in our family, but we don't mention that fact around her sister, Cathy!

We bought 6 large Poinsettia's and have set them out on the ledge in front of our kitchen window (facing the street,) and they look awfully pretty.  Except for a wreath by the front door, that's as far as I've gotten with the decorating this year.  I think I'll probably opt for the smaller tree this year, also.  I LOVE putting out all of our years of accomulation of wonderful ornaments, but our house seems to get "smaller" all of the time, and I just can't see having a beautifully decorated tree sitting right smack dab in the center of our living room!

We're going to the first of several Christmas parties, this evening.  I don't think we'll have all of the good food that Teresa is going to have at her party, but, it will be fun, anyway.  The girl who is having the party is in a family that has been involved in cattle and ranching, so this party is with a "bunch of old cowboys!"  And, as we know, it doesn't get any better than that! 

Teresa, I imagine you have the same ability to make decorations and things, the same as your Mother?  You are truly blessed!

Have a good day.

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