Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Jo McDonald

  You people STOP PICKING ON OUR Rudy  !!  Do you hear me??? Stop it !!!

Now..that I am down off my high horse   :laugh: :laugh:  I am so grateful that you are the one having to come up with $1,700.00, Diane...I am afraid if I was told that, I would be in the ER at the hospital from shock.  Wow !!! that is a lot of Tree work..or maybe I just think it is.

  Any way, Rudy --- you just pay attention to our praise and turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to all the "nit Pickin"

Diane Amberg

Actually, that was a good price here for the amount being done to my trees. That's thinning, pruning and shaping 3 big Maples, trying to rescue a sick Dog Wood and the removal of an old Red Bud, plus some work on a big Magnolia. They'll also cable as needed, chip the little stuff and cut the nice pieces for the fireplace.  My boat neighbor is having some work done also, so we got a good price. This neighborhood was built in 1962 and many of the trees are getting old. I lost all the back yard trees to storm damage 8 years ago.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Jo McDonald on October 16, 2007, 12:28:57 PM
  You people STOP PICKING ON OUR Rudy  !!  Do you hear me??? Stop it !!!

Yes, ma'am, Momma Jo.  I promise I won't do it again.  (said while my fingers are behind my back and crossed.)

Jo McDonald

Diane --- indeed that is a LOT of tree work and it is always comforting to know that it is being done by professionals.

  NOW -- Ta Ta ,  you really must uncross your fingers, and try your very best to be a good girl.  Now here is your
hug, ((( ))) go play and try not to pick on others.


My! Isn't this a lovely morning!?!  Rain, rain, and a little more rain!  Ha!  Marty just called and he said he was just coming up to People's Hill (Peebles?), that it was black as night and pouring down there so it will take him a lot longer than normal to get to work.

I was going to paint today.  Maybe even finish up the primer on the west side of the house.  Alas, I guess I'll just stay in and do some dusting and maybe get around to vacuuming the rugs  :P

We had a great time last night.  Oct 16th is my Dad's birthday and also my neice Mandi's.  Tony and I loaded up and went to pick up Marty in Fredonia; my parents, sister & aunt drove from Eureka; my brother Dan from Baldwin City; and Clay, Mandi, roommate Tracy and her mother all met for a celebration dinner at Applebee's in Pittsburg. (Mandi works there).  We all had a good laugh trying to find something on the menu that the older crowd would recognize and eat ~ my mom said it shouldn't be such a big deal, she was sure they'd had hicks in there before. ;D

Squirt is scared of thunder, so she's setting under my feet. The cat is jealous so she's on my lap.  They both hate the vacuum, so I'll probably chase them away from me sooner or later.  When the rain lets up, I'll go out and feed the wild kittens, Lester & Fifi, or maybe I can find a place to set their food inside the trailer they have homesteaded.  I hope you all have a nice restful day, stay warm and dry.


No time to chat.. I will be glad when I can set and enjoy the forum ..but right now I just got Mason down for his nap and I have to keep hammering away on this house!. We are going to bed at 4 and 5 in the morning and STILL have a ton of stuff to do!.
I can not believe how much "stuff" a person accumulates . But the trick is trying to find a place for all of it..
And yessss, I do use it and am keeping most of it! ;D
Other than some big pieces of furniture..
An oak table and 4 chairs.. I pd $450..am selling for $200
A sleeper sofa divan..( which wouldn't fit in the doorway so I have to sell it..) New 7 years ago.. around a $1,000.
Am selling it for $150.
An oak computer 2 tied desk.. ( don't know yet what I am selling it for)
((and maybe Kjell... IF he doesn't stop measuring and remeasuring every single solitary thing I want to hang ::))
**He will go reeeeal cheap ** Be prepared to make an offer! )  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Got to go.. someday I will be back on and get to catch up..
Thanks everyone for running the shop and keeping it going while I am out! :-*
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Well, it isn't morning, and it isn't g'night time - so guess I will just greet you all and start blabbing away.  We had one humdinger of a storm today, in fact we had two.  The first one was this morning about 9..it was just as nice as could be out-- just sort of cloudy, then all of a sudden it was as dark as can be and one huge streak of lightening and the whole place shook with the following thunder.
It started pouring down rain, and the last time we had a heavy rain w/wind we had a terrible leak around the end window of our large glide out, so to keep from having that again, we turned the recliner around - decreased the size of our dining room table, and run the glide in.  And it comes in to within 10 inches of the island kitchen.  So Fred had to "scooch" sideways with his butt up over the top of the table to get to the back of the 5th wheel, into the living room area.  So, he sat back there in one of the recliners, while I sat at the other end of the 5th wheel at the table. He read and I made Curt a birthday card.  So, here we were for about 1 1/2 hours while the storm raged.  It cleared, and we put all of the house back out to its full size.  Fixed lunch - and darned if it didn't do a repeat performance.  Only this time we had REALLY strong winds and pretty good sized hail and rain out the kazoo.  We went through the whole kit'n kapoodle  again.  Right now the sun is shining, but I can hear thunder again in the distance.   Glory be... I hope it soon gets it out of it's system.  We really did need the rain and had over 2 1/2  inches..I don't know exactly how much, but a nice rain anyway.  We have fall tomato plants that are loaded with green ones, and some are starting to turn white-ish so next week just before we leave for Texas, I will pick the largest of them and wrap them in newspaper, and will enjoy them as they ripen.  I wish I could have home grown tomatoes all year..but some wishes come true, some do not.  Have a good evening everyone.  My fingers are tired of "blabbin' " and I'm sure you are tired of them doing so.  Toodle-loo   


Good morning everyone!  It's still pitch dark outside even though it's after 7 a.m.! I had a great weekend.  Clay came home from PSU, and my sister came down from Eureka both days to help on the house. With all that help, Marty and I got the house primed and most of the garage too ~ except for the peaks.  The guys took care of some home maintenance chores, removed a window, and replaced some of the siding.  They even helped with a paint brush some (I have proof, I took pictures!)

We decided on a nice rich teal color for the house, with white trim.  Actually, it is the color Marty and I had already picked, but at Janet's suggestion we took an impromptu vote and that's the color most favored by about 20 of our friends, strangers, relatives and the UPS man.  HA!  We are thinking about detailing the peaks with additional color, but haven't really decided on that part yet, so for now we'll just do it up like the rest of the house and see how it inspires us.

It doesn't look like I'll "get" to scrape or prime today though, with the wetness all around.  Oh well, guess I'll have to go shopping!  I want to look for some tile to put up on my kitchen backsplash ~ something to keep me busy on rainy days like today.


Hot pink for the trim? ::) ::) JUST a suggestion. ;D ;D ;D :angel:

Bonnie M.

doesn't look like I'll "get" to scrape or prime today though, with the wetness all around.  Oh well, guess I'll have to go shopping!  I want to look for some tile to put up on my kitchen backsplash ~ something to keep me busy on rainy days like today.

Joanna, believe it or not, we don't have our tile backsplash up yet in the kitchen, but "the guy" is supposed to come tomorrow to do that.  Whether he comes or not will depend on our fire situation, as the emergency situation has pretty much put
everything "on hold."  I'll still try and send you some pictures, when it is "finally" done!

I'll have to ask again, how in the world do I post a picture on here?  (I'm sure it is very simple, but not for me, I guess!)  I've clicked on a few buttons, but haven't hit the right one yet!

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