Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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AWWWW!!! Youse guys make me cry, thank you for caring!  :-*
Quote from: dnalexander on May 18, 2009, 03:44:17 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 18, 2009, 01:45:26 PM
Aw shucks, ya made me tear up. I'm so sorry. I just can't imagine....Speaking of bedding plants, that coleus you gave me wintered over very nicely in my dining room. It will go back out on the deck soon.
Edie, I can only imagine how tough that was for you. I just want you to know that way out here in California and everywhere else our "little" forum reaches there are people that care about you. I feel I know you and Ted, though, I never met either of you. Thank you for being a friend and sharing your life with us.



I agree with Tobina. Take time today to enjoy the good weather, forget about the bad things of life for a moment.  Remember we really have more things to be thankful for than to complain about or be worried about. 



How 'bout a "hello and good afternoon".   ;D  Isn't this weather just great?  Puts a smile on my face, it does :D.  Tobina is absolutely right.  Think of the good things that are happeneing and don't sweat the small stuff.  You know, SMILE AND THE WHOLE WORLD (wonders what you're up to), or YESTERDAY IS GONE, TOMORROW MAY NOT GET HERE SO ENJOY TODAY AND BE THANKFUL FOR IT, or, last but not least, if you insist on posting in the "politics" think of my late mother's favorite saying COUNT THE DAY LOST YOU DON'T CATCH HELL FOR SOMETHING  :-\.  Spent yesterday out at the ranch.  They had a cook-out and birthday party for a great-niece of Marvin's.  She will be 3 tomorrow.  So quiet and serene out there.  Heard about that Sat. nite birthday party, Tobina.  Accept my good wishes.  Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend.  Many will be going to the Alumni Banquets at their own schools.  I will also.  Have graves to decorate at Piedmont, Eureka, Severy and Cresco this week.  I usually do mine a few days early.  Frank, Signal Hill and Long Beach brought back memories.  Didn't realize you had a daughter out there.  Never been back out there.  Course I only lived there less than two years.  That was really long enough for this small town Kansas girl.  DON'T FORGET TO SMILE, BE HAPPY AND BE SAFE.  :angel:


Quote from: frawin on May 18, 2009, 03:03:06 PM
Our Daughter lives in Signal Hill which is right next to Long Beach, she called right after it happened and said it was a very big Earthquake and did not do any damage to the building her Condo is in. They don't seem to bother her but they really worry us. I am hoping to get her back to Texas before long.

Uncle Frank, I am glad to hear Stephanie and Chad are ok . Being in Signal Hill they are not far away from a Conoco-Phillips plant in Carson. Sounds like she has a little bit of California girl in her to me; since the quake was not a big deal. You can take the girl out of Texas but you can't take the Texas out of the girl. I bet she would be happy to get back to Texas.


Diane Amberg

By the way Tobina, happy "almost" birthday to one of my favorite forum family members.


Tobina, I hope you +2 have a wonderful birthday real soon.  Your weiner roast sounded like so much fun.  The +2 means that I hope the Daddy to be has a wonderful day also.


Judy, we had dinner with Bob and Bonnie the other evening as they were on their way to Longton!  What a great evening that was!  We talked so much and so fast, trying to "catch up on everything".  We ate at the Copan Truck Stop as usual--the catfish is great there, and have never heard a complaint about any of the food for that matter. 

They were really looking forward to visiting with friends and family and attending the alumni banquet.  I know how much you are enjoying them!  Say "hello" to them from us.


Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!  Yes, really starting to look forward to the next BIRTH day in our family!  Maybe that's why I'm such an optimist lately and all the negativity bothers me. 
It's fun to hear about everyone joining up with old friends.  We're headed home this weekend for my alumni celebration, and I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and all their families!  We do our celebrations every 5 years, so it's fun to see what changes have occured since then.  Isn't it interesting to hang out with people you didn't spend much time in high school... and those people that you did spend a lot of time with, how you don't have much in common anymore? 
Last night I went out and planted the rest of my garden seedlings... this time I gave them a little more protection for a few days (especially with the wind we're supposed to have today).  This weekend my mom brought a ton of asparagus to us kids... YUM!  Looks like she had a banter crop this spring, as we each got a bag full!  That's one veggie I love, but just haven't found the right spot to get it planted.
Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful day!   :D

Diane Amberg

I wish our weather would make up it's mind. It's been nice, but cold and windy. We had frost warnings last night but things seem to have made it OK. I wish we could have all our reunions at the same time like you all seem to do.That sounds like so much fun, but that would be hard since our classes were larger.


From the larger classes to the really small ones.  My graduating class had 13.  I was the 13th one.  This is my 61st year and I am going again especially because it is my sister-in-laws 60th.  Next year will be my brother's 60th.  We don't have class reunions, there are only five of us left.  We have alumni reunions and hope for more than 50 people.  We don't think in classes, we think of everybody as a classmate.  Since I was in this school only 6 months, I am not as well acquainted with the rest of the alumni as my brother is.  He spent 2 years and 6 months with his class.  Two of my daughters are accompanying me this year.  They went last year and had so much fun, they want to go back.

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