Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Diane Amberg

Good morning all. The sun is out today but it's cold . We're headed up the road in a few minutes to go to Chadds Ford to the Brandywine River Museum to see an exhibit of Edward Gorey illustrations. His stuff is so weird it's quite compelling. If you ever watch Mystery on PBS, you've seen his work. We won't see Andy Wyeth as he died recently, but we might bump into Jamie.  ;)  Mom knew the family long ago. The museum's permanent collection has a lot of Weyth work since Chadds Ford is their home. Then we're headed to Kennett Square to have lunch at The Moro Leon Mexican restaurant. Have a great day everybody.

Rudy Taylor

Your family knew Andrew Wyeth? Cool!
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Hello and good afternoon.. Wish the sun would shine but it isn't so no use wishing.. LOL

Have a typical Monday.. sighhhh  too much work and not enough organization to get it all done. I would rather fool around on Facebook and do odds and ends than actually do what I am supposed to do..  :P

Had someone say that their eyes were getting bad ( as mine are) and how could they change their settings to get things to show up bigger on their screen..


If you hold the CTRL key down and turn the mouse wheel, you can enlarge/shrink the browser screen so you can read things easier. It will make it bigger and bolder or smaller..
I have mine on a little bigger than normal and definetely darker.. makes it so much easier onmy eyes at the end of the day..

Hope this helps you ..

Have a Great rest of the day..  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

W. Gray

Try that in combination with a 24 inch screen. :D
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Jo McDonald



Dee Gee

For those that don't have a wheel mouse the Crtl/+ key combination will also enlarge the print, Crtl/0 will return it to nornal setting.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


 I like Andrew Wyeth! Whats that one called.... Stone Wall or somthin like that....I like that one.

I'm fixin to go mow and cut brush, Y'all have the best day EVER!
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Gooood Morning ..almost afternoon... :)

I've been doing massages this morning and finally just finished. Got some laundry to do..
( some? did I say "some??")
More like 4 loads.. :P :P
Ye gads I hate laundry.. wish I liked being dirty.. LOL

Anyway.. looks like we might get some rain in the next few days. I think the wind is a bit chilly still and I am more than ready for nice 75-80 degree weather with no wind..

Kjell and I are going to mow and weed eat again this afternoon ( after I do another massage at 1:30)
I love the smell of fresh cut grass and it really look so nice.

I called Williams tree service about taking out the big dead tree in my front yard. I hate losing trees .. Had to take one out on the South side of my house last year. Wasn't dead but it was growing really curved and was huge. Hanging right over half the house and I was afraid with all the wind and ice etc that it was going to crash someday.. Williams agreed that it would.. we just didn't know when. Soooo took that out and now another one will be gone next week.. sadness.. :'(

I didn't really have anything to say that was worth a plug nickle.. just thought I would stop in and say Hi...

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well HI! Takin a break...I ain't as young as I used to be :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Judy Harder


Morning, grab another cup of coffee, tea or what ever your drink is and
lets have a chat!

My week hasn't started off very well.
Well, actually it began last week, but I kept hoping that Charlie (my mechanic) would have better news for me.............well.........it isn't good.

My  car is needing a new motor/engine/ what ever............
Last week he found a couple of sparkplugs that weren't firing and replaced them and then the noise that I was hearing was a tire with a bubble in it......so got a new tire..............
Then he put it on the computer and found that 2 (Two) cells were not getting compression.............and that one or two of the pistons were not working..........

He felt it would be safe enough for me to drive to Indpendence and He wouldn't hesitate to take it to Topeka.....(remeber he is the mechanic) and Sunday I drove it to church.............sounded very bad.....but got me there and then after church I met my friends at the cafe.......as usual. (oh, Saturday evening we had a card party and I just walked to it............was down at the senior center about 1/2 block from me) and
back to the cafe.........when I got back in the car to  go home.........it just would  barely move..................I have parked it........and am getting a hugh dose of depression......

I know!, I know!  that God will see me through this!!! I have no doubt...............I am just wondering what I am to do in the meantime.

I can and will walk to the ball field to keep score tomorrow night and then next week we are scheduled to make up two games...........but
this is the big big month of Birthdays, wedding anniversary and mothers day and I wanted to go to Topeka......to be with the family.
Haven't been there since January.......and Mom and Dad are celebrating their 68th wedding anniversary and that is a great big milestone..........Plus neither of them are very healthy.........each day they find more health problems.......and I know some day I will be getting a "come home" phone call................Lord willing NOT NOW!...

I know you  can't do anything about this............YOU CAN PRAY that I get an answer soon.

You know that last year I did take medical bankruptcy and spent the last of my savings.........well,  I am getting from month to month and even tithing to the church.........but there just isn't anything left for me to fix or replace a car.

What has me so disappointed, is that there isn't 80,000 miles on the car.............I just keep shaking my head and wondering what to do.

I did tell my insurance man to lower the insurance I keep on it..No sense paying to leave it parked in the parking lot..

Other than this  I am feeling well.........and enjoying the warmer weather. I  am starting to get an itch to get my fingers in the dirt....................gardening time is here..............and I am  just about ready to put out the hummingbird feeder.

Hope you are well............I pray that you are...........
God keep you and I will see you when I can.


Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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