Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Judy; what's with the soap bar under your sheet?  Does that have some sort of relaxing powers?  Or just easier to bathe in bed?   ;)

Diane; OK, now you have to spill it; tell us about the watermelon and pickles story.  Start a new thread if you have to.

Diane Amberg

Not worth a new thread, just funny. Some one has discovered a chemical in watermelon rind that has Viagra like properties. So if men start demanding watermelon rind pickles....well... ;D


Well, it sounds like everyone is having a bad morning. I woke up about an hour ago after not getting to sleep until 6:00 this morning. I have a spider bite (probably brown recluse) on the back of my arm and the doctor gave me a steroid shot in it yesterday. Steroid shots tend to make me fly around the ceiling all night as well as upset the tummy, but worth it if it dries up like he said. My sister had a bad spider bite on her arm when we were kids; there was a while there that we thought she might lose her arm. But it finally healed, of course she had a monster scar for the rest of her life. Mine is nowhere approaching that size and I suspect it will clear right up now. Hope everyone else is feeling better, there is a front supposed to pass later with some rain? Then cooler tomorrow, I hope I hope!

Got to go make pickles now; no wait I don't have any watermelon rind. Got one in the fridge though!  ;D ;D


Diane, I did catch that somewhere on TV, but didn't give it a second thought.  Trust you to remember it though.  Still, the watermelon pickles wouldn't be worth it to me.

Judy Harder


I had a spider bite about 10 years ago and I still have trouble with it.
The bite itself doesn't hurt..........the two holes the little critter left in my hip area
gets filled up with the stuff that becomes a cyst and then I must deal with it.

That was the same time that I had given in and went to a doctor about my joint pain.
The swelling on my hip was exactlly where my joint was hurting and I didn't know which was worse.

Now, Tobina, as for the soap in the sheets....that is one of those amazing things that people share that do work.
They keep the leg cramps at bay..( I also have restless leg syndrome, so it is either muscle cramps or lack of something that keep them moving) and like Vicks under toenails and on bites it does work.............just lately not too well.

It is weather related and also the fact I have gone so long without a Fibro Flare and it is being a nasty time of the year for me.
My joints and muscles react when we go from one season to another..........I enjoy being in the hot sun.....I need to bake the joints.....but after the chemo therapy and radiation I am not suppose to be out in it long enough to help.

One of my friends asked was I up on my potasium and just in case.....I am going back on a banana diet and some more medicine I can get over the counter (like Tylenol Arthritis) and then grump and gripe as much as people can stand me.

If you don't like hearing me complain.......and or when I get tired of it..............Tough!!!!!!!
I like to share with others........and yes, you can share back.
I will listen and maybe help jump start you...LOL
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Judy; I'm intrigued (and don't make it over to the home remedy section very often)... so, do you lay on the bar of soap (isn't that uncomfortable)?  Or do you just put it in the bed somewhere?  Or do you rub it on your sheets?  Will it work for all types of aches and pains (back, neck, muscle)?  Is there a certain type of soap or one that contains a specific ingredient?


Judy... you HAVE to take magnesium with your calcium or the calcium basically just kinda lays there waiting for his partner (Mag)
Up your potassium to about at least 500 mg a day. And even if your calcium has magnesium in it.. get some more by itself and take at least 2 in the morning and 2 at night. The bar of soap is also good.

Bar of soap thread

Just posted about Calcium & Magnesium.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Judy Harder


I leave it somewhere by my toes. I use to  keep it between my legs.
I did try to keep it closer to the area I wanted help with......but it kept moving around and when I would get up at night.....you know those trips to bathroom, when I crawled back in bed, it would high center myself......LOL.
it does tend to move around
I put in under the bottom sheet. But, I do find it does help.

My folks keep one in bed for both of them. Dad gets very very bad spasms and it does work.
I don't know why. I have found that more and more people use it like that.

I change the bar of soap when my soap in bathroom dish needs changing. Then I put a fresh one under the sheet and use the one that I have had in bed with me.

Thanks Teresa I knew you would know what kind of stuff to take.
It is getting where I dare not stretch my legs out in bed when I first wake up and just lately my leg seems to be weaker (I mean the muscle)

I would feel so much better if I could find that old machine called the RACK....I feel like each joint and muscle needs a good unkinking.
This too shall pass.!!!!

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


good morning and a beautiful morning it is and I'm ready to start my day.  I'm going to get out of the house today.  Going to Emporia with a girlfriend and will see my youngest daughter, granddaughter and two great grandsons while I'm there.  First have to stop at a "firecracker" stand and get some poppers and smoke thingy's.  They aren't allowed to shoot fireworks in Emporia and besides that the boys are too young, but they need something to celebrate with.  Hope everyone has a very great and safe 4th.  Please, if you don't already, do fly your American Flag tomorrow.  I, personally, fly mine every day. 

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