Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Bonnie M.

Judy, it doesn't seem like five years!  I am so thankful that you are remaining cancer free.  You certainly went through a lot, during the period you were doing the treatments, etc. 

Enjoy your trip "north."

Diane Amberg

Alright, who turned off the heat?! It's 53 here and a cold rain is falling. The birds are looking for sweaters and I'm glad I waited to put out my toms. I'm going to try a patio tom in a huge pot up on my deck this year as well as my usual plants in the garden.  B-r-r-r!

Rudy Taylor

I'll brag a little, Diane, and make you homesick for the plains.

It's the most gorgeous day imaginable here.

Temperatures up climbing into the upper seventies and the sun is shining brightly.  We've been drenched with rain so all the fields, pastures and yards are lush.

But we envy you because of your locale, too.

I can't imagine how beautiful it must be to live at the mouth of two bays.

It truly is "a wonderful life."

Judy Harder

Good Morning to all..........Happy Mother's Day for all you ladies and gentlemen who raised younguns.

I am on my way (Ok, couple of hours) to Topeka and a family weekend.
My kids won't be there, but I and my siblings will be there for mom and thats a "Good thing"!

I am a little sad this weekend, and really need to be with people..............this is the 6th year since
my oldest son (Bob) passed on.

he passed away on the day before Mothers Day, and it is a bittersweet time for me.
There isn't a day I don't think about him and remember when..........just 31 days before he died, his wife
Jenny died from cancer.
This is also the anniversary of my other-mother Gertrude Freeman and lets just say the year of 2002 was a real hard year for me.
best friend Margaret Persinger passed away, too and I found out I had cancer and MY DOG DIED..........Yes, I cried, but rereading this I almost smiled..............wasn't funny......but one for the books.

In a way it is a Praise the Lord, cause I came through all this and still call Him Lord.......
I won't be back till at the earliest Tuesday.........so say a prayer for me and all who are traveling this weekend and I shall see you all next week.

God is GOOD
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Good Morning everyone.
It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day today.
I am waiting on a client to get here for her massage ..then I have to work on a slide show to go with the video's that we have made for the NRA and the Cowboy Shoots from the Land Run events. I won't get those done in one hitch as I have got to go out and do a ton of yard work. Being gone for a week put us behind on our mowing, trimming and weeding.
Then tonight I have to go out and help mow at the "farm" and help get everything ready for the Memorial weekend festivities. We're having a large amount of friends come out and will be cooking lots of turkeys over a spit in the cooking pit the guys have made.
Of course I am going to fish and play with Mason and Ashley and totally enjoy my family. I thank God everyday for being able to be in the same town as my children and to have the closeness of ties that we have. I am so blessed.
Then I will come back tonight and finish working some more on the slide shows. Hopefully I will get them done, but depends on how many interruptions I have in between. LOL

Williams Tree Service stopped by yesterday and gave me a price on taking this beautiful huge tree out on the north side of my house. It is leaning way over the top of my house and has split 2 big limbs in this last few months of weather and wind. The roots are starting to kinda expose themselves on one side so it isn't a good thing.
I am afraid it will topple over on my house and that will wipe the whole end out. I don't think that I want to be without the east side of my house because of it. :o

Randy Julian does tree work (this one is too big for him to take out though) but he looked at it and told me that when big limbs start to split down the middle like these are doing, it means that the tree is talking to you and trying to tell you that there is something internally wrong with it. It could be the start of a disease or it could be starting to rot.. and even though it is full of leaves and looks healthy ..it isn't right..
Makes me so sick. That old tree shades most of the north side of my house and is also a privacy protection kind of from the outside world. But .......................... :-\ you gotta do what you gotta do.. :'(

Well, I have rambled on long enough this bright pretty morning and Genie will be here in a bit, so better go light the candles, put on the music and get her favorites scents put on the face cover. 
Enjoy the day everyone...  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


 :( well, hit the wrong button and it went poof - now I have to type it all over again.  I think it said . . .

I hope everyone is have as beautiful a day as I am having SO FAR.  Just finished mowing the lawn.  Lawns always look so nice after a fresh mowing.  Haven't done the trimming yet, but break time right now.  Just spent 30 min. on the front porch with a cup of coffee and just watching the birds, people and the outdoors.  Birds seem to like a fresh mowed lawn also.  Guess it makes it easier to find the worms, etc, that they like.  Just peaceful and calm.  Had to hand chop some weeds/grass/??? along the fenced in yard that evidently grew from some seed out of the wild bird feeder.  For mother's day got a gift certificate for a one hour session with Teresa so made that appointment for next week and looking forward to that.  Have heard some good things about her massages.  Have a feeling I'll need all the relaxation help I can get after this week.  This year is the 50th anniv. of my graduating class. (I graduated at a very very young age  ;D).  Our class will also host the Severy Alumni banquet.  Our committee has worked very hard to make the banquet very pretty and memorable.  I have put together a luncheon for the class at noon for a visiting period after our hard work setting up all those tables and chairs and decorating.  Also compiled a booklet for each class member of our "last 50 yrs".  Saturday will be a busy day but a good day.  Just hope the rain holds off  :-\.  Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Memoral Day.  Don't forget to fly your American Flag, if you don't have it already displayed.  Have a good day.


I really need to work on my yards at the daycare.  Flo, your yard always looks so nice.  Pat Harding does a wonderful job on her yard, too.  But I have been kinda under the weather and just went back to work today.  This is my classes 15 year.  But we didn't do anything big.  I helped put on our 10 year and that is alot of work.  Flo I commend you on putting all this work for your class.  It takes alot of time and energy!!  Both I have very little of these days.  I hope to be better by this weekend so I can enjoy the alumni, but not sure yet.  You will just love the massage!!!  It is just DREAMY!!  I think that I need to get back in and visit her again!!  Especially now that school is out!!  I am always busy in the summer!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


wow you guy's are so funny....jo says hello and your littleprarie snakes chasin a mouse just always chasin everything(in diffrent meaning
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.


Good morning forum! Well, mid-morning. I was behind on my chores this morning, so I'm kinda late checking in. I had to wait to let my chicks out of their pen this morning, as we had a visit from the neighbor's yellow lab. As soon as she spotted the chickens she didn't want to leave. I had to chase her off with a broom. Hopefully she doesn't come back, but I have a feeling she will.

I'm not sure how much rain we got out here because SOMEONE forgot to stick it back out in the yard when they were finished mowing.  :-[ There's water over the road between roads 14 and 15 on Quail. That's a 1/2 mile south of here, right at Ted & Janet Miller's place.

Not sure what I'll be doing today since I can't work much outside. Maybe I'll sew. Have a good day!!


A real fast good morning and I'm gone. Heading to the HOT range today for a full day.
Will post a few pictures tonight ..
Stay cool for me everyone!   ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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