Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Well, I'm still sick. Allergies have got me down. I "rested" most of the day yesterday, although it was very hard. There were dirty dishes in the sink and laundry that needed to be done and it just drove me crazy. Today I am feeling a little better and conquered those dishes as well as two loads of laundry so far.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

Diane Amberg

We are typical Delaware now. Had beautiful weather two weeks ago, got lots of gardening and work done. Then we had your storms and several nights of frost and freeze warnings. Our frost free date isn't until May 15, so people have been busy trying to protect their plants. Today was supposed to be rainy, but it's beautiful.  I have friends trying to pull a C-130 today. The National Guard has teams raising money for Special Olympics. I'm going out now and play with my petunias.

Judy Harder

Good afternoon to all.

I can't believe just how beautiful it is today.
I did my walk and Scooter and I just enjoyed and went further than usual.

I could take several days....OK 300 days of this we would need rain so that is for the rest of the year......LOL.

I have all my flowers in the ground..Unless I go back to a nursery.....what do you want to bet I do...??? It is done for now.

Got a softball  game this  afternoon at 5:30 and then I think that will be it for the year.
I am heading out into the sun and will mellow the rest of day.
Even the dandilions are showing off today...... ;) ;) ;)
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Bonnie M.

Did you keep score for the ball game, Judy?

I guess the school year is winding down.  Isn' t graduation this week-end?

Judy Harder

I did keep score tonight......Elk Valley won 5 to 3 and goes on to the next step.

This  was the first of the regionals.

Graduation is at 3  Saturday...........I haven't seen the picture of who is graduating yet, should be in
this weeks paper. Right Rudy????

When will you and Bob be here?
If weather is good and the phone gets fixed, I plan on going to Topeka for Mother's day.

I need to make arrangments with Dr. Blacks office to keep Scooter and somewhere over by Winfield
someone dug the Fiber-optics line up and I haven't heard when it will be back up.

I just came on so it maybe somewhere on the forum, I just haven't looked yet.
Thank the Lord I still get my Internet and cable......was a long couple of days with out the computer when it was down.

Bet, someone is going to get a fine out of the damage that was done. Lotus at the city hall......said it is very expensive what they have to replace.

I am heading to my book and then bed.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Graduation already? We haven't even had our proms yet!


Well... what are you all waiting on?  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Wow, everyone else's graduations seem early.  West Elk's isn't until Sunday, May 18th.  Because of snow days, the seniors have to go to class up until Thursday, May 15.  I guess in the past they usually get out most of that week before graduation.

Bonnie M.

Judy, I worked all day today at the Chamber of Commerce office, so I'm just now reading what you'd written yesterday about your telephone being out.  Every time we go back to Longton, I correspond with a girl from the "SKTC" office in Wichita, to have the phone and cable service hooked up for the length of time we're there.   This is what she wrote yesterday:

"We have a major fiber cut between Burden and Winfield this morning so we are really busy.  I'm sorry I have not been able to get back to you until now, and I'm typing between calls."

So, I'm sure it kept people busy and involved for miles around!  I hope it's back up by now. 

We're flying to Tulsa on May 20th., and as usual, we'll rent a car and drive to Longton.  So, we won't be there for graduation. 


Judy Harder

I don't think I will be either.............my plans right now are to head up home (Topeka) for Mother's Day

I haven't been home since my last  cancer checkup and that was January, I think.

I have stopped going to KU-Med. THIS IS MY FIFTH YEAR,  of being cancer free.........yep 5 years ago,
I had just finished my radiation and chemo treatments. With gas so high I just can't do it........Will stay on top of
my situation (altho I am cancer free, we know  that cancer can and most likely will make a return someday)

I am planning on seeing an ENT  out of Bartlesville as soon as paperwork gets to the Moline Clinic. He is the one who
found my cancer and it isn't to bad of a drive (Money and Gas wise). 

I had my phone back yesterday. I kind of feel sorry for the person who did the digging without  knowing where the lines were.
We all must learn the hard way.

God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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