Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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I'm old enough that I grew up mainly with no air-conditioning, so I can verify the you are correct, Wilma. When there was nothing to compare it to, hot was just hot. I must say that my first experience of a matinée in an air-conditioned theatre in the summer just about froze me to death. Maybe we were better off without the comparison.

We supplemented our oil heat after we moved to Minne Lusa Boulevard with lots of wood burned in the fireplace. My dad and I cut down and burned about half-a-dozen medium sized trees a winter. But that sure did save on the oil bill! That house was also surrounded by big old elm trees, so it was almost always in the shade, which helped a lot in the winter. We had an exhaust fan in the window on the landing half way up the stairs to the second story, but I was never sure it helped much.


Quote from: flo on June 18, 2007, 08:41:23 PM
well, I have been swimming also.  I attended the evening swimmercize and had a blast.  There were 5 of us, with 2 ladies being from Moline.  As I pulled and tugged at getting that bathing suit on, I was thinking to myself "sure hope there's no closed circuit cameras" at the pool.   ::) :o ;D :angel:

I am so jealous flo~~ :P
I wanted to go so bad, but every morning I have massages scheduled starting at 7 and then they start back up at 5:30 in the evening, so I don't get to go at all!
I know that you you are having so much fun..and the tugging and the pulling on the bating suit?
Ye gads, I don't even know if I can get into any of mine from last year. I think I have put on about 15 pounds, soooooooo the old swim suit will probably take more than tugging and pulling..  ;D
Well, think about me one time when you are laughing and kicking your legs in the water.
You are right .. it is so much fun. I wish they had it for a month, then I could make it to  some of the evenings.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Good morning once again.  My hour outdoors was canceled by the 1 & 1/2 inches of rain that we had last night.  So this morning I am not sure what to do today.  It isn't that I don't have anything to do, it is just that I don't want to do any of it.  Hope the rest of you can do as you had planned.  Have a good day.


Teresa, you are in luck.  Swimmercize goes on all summer.  We had 12 last nite and had an absolute blast.  So maybe you will have some spare evenings and can join us.  All of us won't make it every nite, but I'm going to go as often as I can.  Not only for the comraderie, but I do need the exercise and these old bones like it in the water better than on the exerciser.  I sure wish I could figure out how to do that "quote" thing.  Perserverance, I suppose.  AND as for modern heat and AC - Love my centeral unit , but sure hard to back up to a floor vent on a cold morning.


I have never posted on the good morning post so here goes.  Good Morning:  I am trying to gear up and prepare for my county commitee meeting this afternoon but needed a break so decided to come into the forum for a spell.  Last night was sure scary out here in western kansas.  We had 80 mile a hour straight winds, rain and hail.  Needless to say after the tornado on May 4th, I was a bit scared.  We brought Brody in the house and he was so glad as he hates storms and OP Lee, my daughters cat scooted downstairs and he hates storms as well.  We tried to stay tuned to the tv weather until the wind knocked out our satilite so Curt put on the radio and we listened that way.  I paced the floor and kept my nose pressed against the windows just in case I needed to run to the basement.  But finally it passed and I went on to bed.  This morning was nice a cool due to the rain.  I am kind of sick of all the moisture as all my producers are needing so desperately to get the wheat out of the fields.  We still have lots of fields that still have so much debris in them that they can't put a combine in the field.  Greensburg is still cleaning up and hauling out debris...I feel so sorry for all the people that have had to move and have no home left, but I guess in time all will heal and the town will hopefully build back.  Our office is being remodeled and rebuilt and hopefully we will be back in business in September.  It has certainly been stressful.  We are driving to Kinsley as our temporary office righ tnow.  That is about 25 miles north of the Greensburg.  But at least we all have jobs.  Well, I will get back to work.  Glad I could share for a moment with all of you.


Jeese Sister.. .. you sure can talk!  hahahahaha  ;D

Just funnin' with you sissy.. ...
I am glad you checked in and now I know what is going on with your day. :)

I have 2 kids this morning. Mason and Ashley.
so you can imagine what my day is going to be like,
I will hear Mee Maw this and Mee Maw that.
Ashley is now in the living room with Scooby Doo playing, and she is playing with her Polly Dolls and Mason is in his walker watching her and playing with his toys on his tray.
He is just starting to use his little hands for something other than chewing on..
Ahhh kids... what wonderful blessings. Challenges..but blessings...

I can see them from here and I better get in there and see about getting lunch..
Have a good day everyone.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


We had weather like that in Lawrence on Monday, but at least it was in the daytime so we could see it. It rained an inch in about 90 minutes. It can really come down in the great state of Kansas. I have been able to keep track of the situation in Greensburg pretty well. My wife's department at KU trains city administrators, so a lot of the folks working in the clean-up effort in Greensburg have ties to the department. We get news of the progress and photos on a regular basis. That was just the most horrible event. I can't even imagine how it must be to have your entire town wiped out in the blink of an eye. Your heart just has to go out to those people.


Well wouldn't you know...I cut hay all day yesterday seeing as how there was only a chance of rain on Monday. And ugh, it rained last night. SO. This hay will have to dry out also. We are having a heck of a time this year. I haven't looked at the rain gauge yet. I just keep looking out there at my hay, shaking my head.

Looks like I'll spend today inside, cleaning. I see that Lane, or Billy has tracked mud in on the carpet.  ::) Boys never listen. Anyhow...I better go see about making some lunch. Have a good afternoon everyone!

Jo McDonald

Hello and Good afternoon everyone,
I just now logged on --- but it wasn't for lack of trying for a LONG time....I wish I could reach in and punch the daylights out of Internet Explorer......All it would do was come up with Internet Explorer can not display this page."..........  grrrrrrrrrr!
  We didn't get very much rain last night -- just a light shower after midnight ..but sure worried about our loved ones in western Ks.  and now that Sherri has posted, we know what happened.
It is nice and cool here - with a southeast breeze - so I can have the windows open and the A/C off.  It is partly cloudy - Fred is sitting out on the patio - I have lunch ready when he decides to come in and eat -- with my hours like they are - our eating pattern has been rudely interrupted.
But we manage to NOT MISS ANY MEALS  lol lol lol

  Hope you all have a happy day ---------and Crum Cowgirl -- the hay will dry out - and then you will be a happy little Farmer again.


We were talking, yesterday I think, about the weather on the Great Plains and how us and our ancestors dealt with it. There are a lot of things like that, things that look different when looked at through the eyes of the past.

Sometimes when I'm sitting in our little living room looking out the windows over the valley, I will see a car come into view on my left and proceed up the highway with all due speed, disappearing from sight in just a minute or so. The driver is comfortable inside, either heated or air conditioned as conditions call for, with one of a hundred radio stations tuned in and a cup of coffee in the cup holder.

Flash back 125 years or so and there would not have been a highway there, although there was undoubtedly a trail of some kind through the valley and up and over the ridge. If a person going by was riding in something, it would have been in a horse-drawn wagon or buckboard, out in the open. Or maybe they would have been on horseback, which would have been a bit faster.

Either way, they would have been hot or cold, according to the time of year. All they would have heard was the wind and maybe an animal sound or two. They wouldn't have had a cup holder, but hanging off the saddle somewhere would have been a canteen of water. Were I to have been sitting up here then looking down, I could watch a good long time before that traveler was finally out of sight.

Things surely change, don't they?

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