Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Are royal hemroids any worse than common folk hemroids??? :)

Jo McDonald

Good morning all.
  I am at the gatehouse booth this morning and I guess everyone is still at church -- as there has been no activity here, other that the Ranger drove by and visited for a bit and then Fred just popped his head in and told me that Teresa had called.  Now let me tell you, if it gets any more exciting than this, I'm not too sure I can handle it.
  It is very cloudy here - and also very humid. 
       Hope everyone has a happy day.

Rudy Taylor

Jo, it sounds like you folks are doing exactly what you like to do every day.

Sounds like a fun job.  And, you're just a hop, skip and a jump from home, too.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Jo McDonald

Yes, Rudy, we really do enjoy each and every day that we are given.  And we have been HOPPIN' SKIPPIN' AND JUMPIN' all week.
Last Saturday and Sunday I worked the gatehouse - Monday we went to Barltesville - Tuesday we went fishing ( not too productive - but fun ) Wednesday we went to Howard in the afternoon - and at 7 PM I was dressed up and went to Eastern Star because our Granddaughter Rochelle Cookson was being initiated into The Order...I was SO PROUD OF HER and even though I was wearing high heels and was smiling through my pain - as so was she   lol lol lol    arrived back to our little nest at 11:30 and for some of the young ones, that was not late, but it was a weary time for these two old duffers.  Then this morning we left here at 8:30 and went to Augusta..we each had an appointment..came back through Howard.. got our flu shots and then met my sister and brother-in-law at the Silver Bell Motel.....visisted and laughed like fools for about 2 hours -- came home and I cooked supper -- fought over the FlintHIlls Express, Fred won,   and now here I sit on my worn out- travel weary back side and need to call it a day.  But before I do, I just want to Thank you for our Newspaper every week, delivered to our rural mailbox on Thursdays, put out by you and your wonderful staff for our enjoyment.  As our Teresa and Sherri lovingly call us***  " The Old ones "   do appreciate your Fine Newspaper.


Hmmm.  I'm jealous; our Flint Hills Express doesn't arrive in our rural mailbox until FRIDAY.  But my hometown newspaper (from far NW Kansas) doesn't arrive until Saturday, normally.  This week it was TUESDAY!

Rudy Taylor

What a wonderful way to end a work week --- opening my forum pages to see words of comfort, joy and
encouragement!  I get a bit melancholy anyway during these days of autumn, so when friends
dry nigh, I glow from head to heart.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Janet Harrington

Well, Rudy, you old sentimental thing you.  I'll try to "dry nigh" to you as often as possible because I want to see you glow from head to heart.  LOL


Just have to pop in for a quick hello. we are up to our ears in boxes etc trying to get moved. Kjell is down now getting the last of the stuff out o the house and I am here at the new house trying to find a place for it all..and finding out I don't need half of it, but too much of a miser to throw it out!
What to do! lol lol
We got the phones in today and the internet is up and running.. but only have the laptop right now. The office isn't moved at all yet. We have to finish up some wallpapering tonight ( Kjell does) I don't have the patience for it) and then the long arduous task of finding just the right spot on the walls for all my millions of Native and Cowboy stuff.
Lord., I could start my own museum...But it will get done...
Kitchen is done, bathroom is done ..furniture will be here tomorrow.. lumber will be here too..have 3 more rooms to put together and I will be ready to start wall hanging..

got to go..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Rudy Taylor

Teresa ... congratulations on everything you are doing to beautify Howard and your own family.

And, Ta Ta ... would you please stop picking at my typos! If I want to dry nigh, that's what I'll do, dad-gum it!
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

Rudy, it took me a moment to figure out what you were trying to say.  I wasn't sure what a wet nigh was, nor why one would need to dry it.  But if you glow from head to heart, you'd better lower your B/P meds a little.  ;D   The melancholy is really just ragweed irritation...get out there and enjoy the rattling dry leaves and the geese winging overhead, honking for the right of way.  My tree man just told me to come up with $1,700.00 for the tree work I want done. It's fall!

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