Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Rudy Taylor

Hi, Sherri,

We've missed you.  Glad your office is ready for action.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Sister....Glad your ordeal is almost over . And I am so happy for Tania..
And about Thanksgiving.. I suppose I can cook dinner.. I 'm not real crazy about it.,. but I guess I could.. sighhhhhhhhhhhh... ;D ;D
Wish you could be at the forum get together.. ( I need some back up to deal with Ta Ta you know) LOL
Looking forward to you being here at the end of the month..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


hahahaha...Oh sister...hahaha...I do believe you can hold your own.  All I would get done is laugh at you and that only spurs you on to show off more and makes my stomach hurt even more.  Thanks Diana for the encouragement and also to you too Mama.  Rudy I appreciate you chimming in.  Thanksgiving????? well....believe it or not...I have to work the day after.  I did that so my staff could have Friday off after thanksgiving and be with their families.  But believe you me...I am sure that Curt and I will eat well.  Tania had a great first day today.  She was really tired as she will have to get in the swing of things but she really likes it and had one patient tell the dentist that it was the best cleaning he had ever had.  So that made her feel really good.  We got a lot done today at the office but have tons more to do...Curt and I are going in around 6:00 in the morning and start again.  I hope to get a lot more done tomorrow.  It really looks nice and it won't be to much longer that we are all organized and up and running.  Well, I need to get to bed.  I have a big day tomorrow. I will try to keep in touch.  You all have a great time at the get together and I hope you have another one that I will be able to attend and help my sister. hahahaha...


Good morning everyone.
I wonder why we don't use this thread more. ???
I KNOW everyone gets up every morning.... ( unless they are ..well.. you know....  :-\) gone to the big donut shop in the sky. LOL
But even if you have left this world... you will still get up and go about your day. I hear that the "other side" is more busy than here... with everyone working equally..each being able to use their gifts to do for others... and no one of course having any aches or pains or complaints. No wonder  there is no such thing as "time" in spirit.. Who cares when it is as wonderful as that?
hmmmmm sounds like a pretty good system to me .. God is a pretty smart guy, I would say..  ;D

Anyway.. I got up this morning at 5:30 and started my day with a massage to do at 6:30.That is over.. Beverly feels better and now I have to do some paperwork, complete some catalog orders .. get my makeup on and be ready for Mason by 9, and then we have to leave for Coffeville at 10.. ( my new bifocal glasses are in) yes yes yes.. I finally broke down and will once again wear glasses.. and bifocals no less!
But the time has come when I need to be able to differentiate between Kjell standing talking to me  and the UPS man.. LOL LOL
Then back home in the afternoon  to finish up washing and cleaning the guttering Mark gave to me.
He bought all new seamless gutter to put on his house and so I am taking the vinyl guttering to put on mine and after being on the house for 13 years, it all needed washed with Clorox and soapy water.
Mark Townsley is going to put it up for me and he is also going to move my carport for me and do some work on that old shed in the back. so THAT is a few things off my list.
Then Bill Holroyd is going to do the work on my deck ( extending it our 10' )  for me and build a door frame for one of the openings in the house.
Kjell is going to start painting the frame work where the guttering goes on tonight and I will start putting another coat of paint on the porch.
We will have to trim out the windows ( haven't picked the color yet) and then I have a ton of stuff I need to do inside as soon as we close which will be October 1. It's going to be a huge challenge  do get it all done in 3 weeks.. let alone with Mason clinging to me like a monkey  ;D on a limb..
But all things work out.. I am just trying real hard to NOT stress over it.

You couldn't even walk through this house for all the packed boxes, empty boxes etc.. and last night I had to leave to do some errands for an hour and I came home and Kjell ( even though he was coughing and still not feeling good) had jumped in and reorganized everything and made a huge path way to move and get around.
What a prince he is. I was so surprised and I told him I think he saved me from putting  a bullet in my head last night.. lol
I get so battle rattled when things are unorganized.
But in a few months we will be on a "normal'? well maybe not normal... but at least be on a better schedule.. lol
My kitchen is kinda torn up too, but I have to make chicken and noodles for Derek birthday supper tomorrow night and then of course fry all that chicken , make bread and a cake for Saturday.

Lord, I am tired already and haven't even started.
And speaking of starting, I better get in gear and get my work done I only have 45 minutes left..

Have a good day everyone.. and start using this thread more.. to start your day.. and to share with others...

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Good morning!  I know that I can't be the only one that gets worn out just thinking of all you squeeze into a day Teresa, I need to start using your 'typical' day up as a model to try to get more done myself.  HA!

I've had a pretty hectic week so far (for me), and this morning I'm getting my ladders & tools out to wash & scrape some more on the house, it is hard work for a short gal, but actually kind of soothing and I can do it without stressing my brain anymore for a bit.  I know it sounds like I've been scraping the house all summer, but it feels that way too.  :P  Ha!  Actually I'm seeing a little progress, so I feel better about it when I only get a few feet around the place each day I work on it.  The house is larger than it looks from the steet (excuses, excuses...)
We have tried 4 different colors now in test spots, and none of them are "the one" we've been looking for, though they are all pretty nice.  Maybe I'll try a couple more this weekend, or maybe one of these will grow on us after we've looked at them a few days.  Or maybe we'll have a rainbow colored house  ???...  Na ~ I think we'll eventually settle on one or two colors anyway  ;D
I'm going to run over & check out some work to do for someone in town, washing & staining a deck and maybe painting indoors a little.  It's fun stuff for me to do to make a little extra cash ~ of course I'll use any money I make to buy more paint or maybe decking for our porch ~ but that's okay as long as it makes me happy, right?  Ha!
Tomorrow morning I'm going to a memorial service for Joan Cox in Eureka; she was a close friend of my folks.
After that I'll get ready for Saturday too.  We're looking forward to seeing you all there!

Roma Jean Turner

:o  Holy Cow Teresa, you could use a break.  Someone needs to give you a massage!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It sounds like doing the gathering later would give you all a little more room to breath right now as well.  The moving just gets exhausting.  I hate that last part of it.....where you look at what is left and would rather just have it hauled off than sit down and sort through it.

Judy Harder

Boy did I have a good walk this morning.

The weather is just perfect for me and my fat dog to do some long distance, (for us) walking
and when I started out it was 9:20 and we had just hit
the alley behind the housing when the sirens started sounding out on the highway.

Now    I can hear all the way east of here and since
we were outside anyway we just kept hearing it heading east and I know they went over Zollars hill
to the east and of course, that was the first car.....I think it was either a deputy or it was Highway patrol.

Well I decided to walk out the old highway and maybe catch a glimpse down the road, when I got there.

Next thing I hear is another police car/or sheriff or emergency vehicle.........it wasn't the ambulance that came next.....and when they hit the intersection up at the Mini-Mart....they didn't slow down they used their different sounding siren to get through and never slowed down an inch..........

Then another ambulance and then the final sheriffs vehicle.......and that one I was   close enough to crossroad to see it and he was traveling at least 100 an hour  and never slowed down till he got to the hill east of town.

I don't  know where they were going, but I do know that someone or several someones are hurt and  I just came back home.......after a good 2 mile walk and am worrying that it is  someone I know.

I just pray that it  isn't as bad as I fear.

Keep  safe and well today....Hugs and God bless,
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

I'm so sorry you all have had to cancel the forum get together. I'm glad we hadn't planned to come as it turns out, because we would have left on Wednesday and been in eastern Mo. by now! ;D.  Al has surgery on Wednesday next and is busy with all the pre surgical stuff. It's just nasty hemorrhoids, but he'll be out of commission for two weeks and quiet for a couple of weeks after that. Post polio folks have a harder time of it because of the muscle and nerve involvement. It had gotten bad enough that he was becoming anemic during a flair up and the doc said, "Enough already, you aren't getting any younger.''
So, what else is going on here. Last Sunday Newark held it's annual Newark Community Day in conjunction with the U of Del. The weather was the best ever. 70 and dry with a little breeze and puffy clouds. We usually have about 20,000 people from at least 5 states that come to visit, eat and shop up and down the university green, Del. Ave, (where we had an ambulance, engine, rescue truck and ladder truck and information tent set up) and up and down Main St. up to the east end where there was an old car and truck show. They have local groups who prepare food from all over the world including..."pickle on a stick,"  ;D and several kinds of crab cakes, funnel cakes, chicken, kabobs and lots more.

On the way home yesterday we stopped at the drug store to pick up some things and as we walked in the front door we heard some one in the back yelling, "She cut herself really bad and she's bleeding all over the floor back here." So out came our EMT bag and we showed up in the back, to the amazement of the new store manager, who had just transferred here and didn't know us. She had sliced herself quite deeply across the palm, from the steel strap on a pallet of merchandise. He had done a nice job of putting pressure on it with a folded paper towel. He still had question marks floating around his head as to who the heck we were, until I pointed over my shoulder. I was wearing a fire co. tee shirt that had our station and a picture of our ladder truck on the back. He broke into a huge grin and said, "Well, all right then."  We got her down in a chair before she passed out and got her all bandaged with no trouble. She needed about 8-10 stitches, but they decided we had done such a good job they would drive her and skip the ambulance. If she didn't cut any nerves she'll be fine. It wasn't any big deal to us, we've seen lots of those, but she was pretty scared.


How I envy you, Diane.  70 degrees.  We are in the nineties today.  I am not outside and have no intentions of going out.  I sure am tired of the heat.  Sounds like heaven where you are.

Janet Harrington

Isn't U of Del where the shooting took place this morning?

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