Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Janet Harrington

Quote from: Rudy Taylor on August 26, 2007, 08:58:15 PM
Few people ever find that niche for themselves, did you know that?

Yes, Rudy, I did know that.  I think you are one of the few, too.

Janet Harrington


I e-mailed you what information I had on Tim Holsinger.  That is, I e-mailed it to taylornewspapers, so hopefully someone will get it.  ha ha  If it goes on the front page, I'll do my best to access it via internet.  Thanks.  Like I said, Tim and family are wonderful people, Christians, law enforcement, can't say enough.  Love him alot.

Diane Amberg

Janet, any more news on Tim?

Janet Harrington


August 21, 2007 - Tuesday

  Growing Up

I have to admit that I was more than a little  worried about how Trinity would adjust to having her baby sister home. Lucikly, she is adjusting better than I would have thought possible. She is very loving toward her sister and is thrilled to be of assistance to Steve and I. I know she is more than a little proud to have something to show off to people. Whenever someone new stops in or we go someplace, she points to Charity and says, "See my baby sista. Isn't she cute?" I am very glad to see that she is doing ok with this new little person that has come into her life. (Not that there is anything we could do if she weren't!)

Charity is continuing to grow and improve daily. Today we had our first visit with our regular Dr. Dr Moorhead was pleased with how well she looked and how well she was doing. At the Dr's Office she weighed in at 5 lbs 6 oz!! That is a 4 oz gain from the time we left the hospital! She is pooping and peeing like she should, she is eating at least every 3-4 hrs if not more, she is eating anywhere from 33 cc to 60 cc. (59 cc is 2 oz.) I knew that if she could just get home with Mom and Dad she would be just fine!! And I was right. We are still on the monitor and oxygen, but hopefully next week we will be able to start weening her off that stuff.

Mom and Dad are doing well. Adjusting to having a tiny person in the house is a little rough. It takes twice as long to get ready to go anywhere and it takes twice as long to unload once we get there. It wouldn't be so bad if Charity didn't come attached to a monitor and an oxygen tank. I am definately going to have some muscles before this is over!! I am slowly getting used to grabbing sleep whenever I can. I don't think I will ever know what a whole nights sleep is again! Which I suppose is ok. That is one the drawbacks to being a mother!!

Anyway, we are doing well here! Just adjusting and trying to get a schedule down.

Janet Harrington


WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2007 10:44 AM, CDT 

The Doctors successfully moved the feeding tube from Tim's mouth to his stomach this morning. Tim done very well. He is resting again. This morning I took the Casting Crowns CD, the "Life Song" album and had it playing...if nothing else we are ministering to the staff. Several have asked who it is and that they like the music. Tim continues to cross and uncross his legs more and more, which they are still assuring me is a good sign. They have him in a sitting position again but he is sleeping through it today. The scriptures from yesterday that I wanted to share with you are Jer. 1:4-8 and Jer. 17:7-8. I do believe that God still has a message for Tim alone to deliver. Thanks to all for your support, encouragement and your prayers.

Diane Amberg

 That's good news all the way around!  :D Keeping Tim sitting up some is good .  It keeps the heart /brain connection from getting too lazy to pump blood up hill, helps with blood pressure . Sounds like excellent care.  Glad to hear little Charity is doing so well also.  Don't forget to take care of yourself too. :angel:

Janet Harrington

Here is what Rudy put on his newspaper web site about Tim Holsinger.

Rural Cherryvale man remains in coma

A rural Cherryvale man remains in a coma today following a motorcycle mishap in South Dakota on Aug. 11.
Rural Cherryvale resident Tim Holsinger, an agent with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, is in a medical center in Rapid City, S.D., recovering from surgery on Aug. 14 when doctors removed a major blood clot in the brain.
Holsinger received massive trauma to the head when he tried to avoid hitting slowed traffic on Interstate 90 near Kadoka, South Dakota on Aug. 11. Holsinger was returning from the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, a popular gathering of Harley-Davidson motorcycle owners, when he came upon a separae traffic mishap that slowed traffic on the interstate. In an attempt to avoid hitting the traffic jam after rounding a curve, Holsinger moved to the shoulder of the interstate, where he lost control of the motorcycle and slid 50 feet. He was not wearing a helmet.
Family members said Holsinger is improving slowly, including blinking his eyes and moving his body when coughing.
Family members also said there was a chance he might be moved to a Wichita trauma unit in the near future.
Those wishing to get updates on Holsinger's condition or leave well wishes for him and his family can do so online (www.caringbridge.com). Type in TimHolsinger, and the site will take you to his story, journal entries and the guest book.


The www.caringbridge.com site is such a wonderful way for people to keep in touch with families and lend support and encouragement.  We have a friend in Arkansas who is battling cancer, and it has been great for those of us who can keep communicating with him and his family from afar and is a great source of strength for them as they know how many people are praying for them.  One link leads to another sometimes, and you may find yourself following the progress of someone you don't even know.

I encourage everyone on this Forum to log into the site and type in TimHolsinger and leave a message for him and his family.  I'm sure they would appreciate all of our concern. 

Thanks for the info., Janet.  What hospital in Wichita is he in?   

Janet Harrington

Oh, how I wish I knew what hospital he was in.  Since only family can visit, I haven't asked.  I'll try to find out.


Hope everyone has a splendid day. I have to work this afternoon at the hardware store, so Mason and I will be up there helping out.
( I will be working.. most likely he will be clinging to my hip like a monkey on a limb :-\)
Rented this little house yesterday to a wonderful couple with a 4 yr old son. He works up at the FSA office with David Criger and is driving back and forth right now from Winfield.
They were just thrilled with this place, so that is good.
I am hoping Debbie gets moved out before the end of Sept, so I can get started doing some of the "changes" I want to do inside the other house.
I have someone coming in to put gutter up and to make the deck about 12 foot bigger..and someone to move my carport.. so things are starting to look up.
I am getting excited..
Even though it is lots of work to move, it is a time of cleaning out and  reorganizing and I love it when everything is all clean clear through.
I will have trouble sleeping tonight because Dove season opens in the morning, and I am like a child waiting for Christmas morning to get here.
So I hopefully will be in the field all the next 3 days hunting..if the birds keep flying and we find some good spots to hunt. The guys have been scouting for the past few weeks, so maybe it will be good this year.

Well, I HAVE to get up and get busy.
Have a wonderful day everyone and have a safe 3 day weekend.

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