Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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I forgot to mention that I did take my black lab for a short walk yesterday morning (she is scared of buzzing insects and the extreme heat).  We walked down the street towards Wilma's house because I saw that she and her daughter were out in the yard cleaning.  The one-eyed cat, Miss Merce, was following us for the first block but got scared off by some yapping dogs in the neighborhood.  Anyway, we had a short conversation before the sun got a little to hot for the dog and we walked back home.  Anyway, just to let you know---Wilma, I appreciated the chance to talk and I just think that that is one more thing that the forum has done even for those of us who live in the same town, and even not too many blocks apart.  It has established a new connection, a new bond, and new chance to know people that you might not otherwise ever hear from.
We'll do it again, don't you think, Wilma?


Yes, Empty Nest, I think we will.  Your lab is a nice dog and I wish I could have seen Miss Merce, too.  It did get too hot for the dog, but it was getting too hot for me, too.  We didn't stay out too much longer and I haven't been out this morning.  First daughter has been doing some more watering for me, but she isn't staying out in it either.

I should say that there isn't much shade between Empty Nest's home and mine, altho we both have lots of shade in our yards.


I agree, emptynest. The forum has sponsored, and continues to sponsor, a connectedness that would otherwise be missing.

I think we're not all "stick-in-the-mud" stay-at-homers; I think it's expanded our circle of friends.


Roma Jean Turner

The music issue is really a core one for me as well.  I grew up in music and have a degree in music even though I didn't persue it as a career.  When I hear on the news that more money is being cut from music and the arts it just makes me crazy. The excuse for all the money for sports is always that it teaches people to play together.  Well what on earth do they think the glee club, youth symphony and bands do. The discipline it takes to learn music, to take a group of young people, put them together in agreement on something, dressed up like actual responsible citizens with a sense of decorum and presentation in front of an audience......and all without pushing, shoving and patting each other on the butt..............and this doesn't seem to be of much value to the people in charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   This is definitely one of my soap box's.


Flo, Congratulations!  I know you will enjoy working with the elementary children.  They are still sweet and innocent.  Music is a very important part of my life.  Even though I haven't had a lot of formal training, I have a good ear and have several instruments to enjoy the music.  I did take a short course at the JUCO here last spring.  It was fun. 

I don't seem to have enough time to enoy playing as much as I would like as it seems there is always errands, yard work, etc. that needs to be done.  However, sometimes, I go in and sit in the dark and play while Frank is working in the office.  It lets me "unwind" at the end of the day.  Fortunately, my kids all like music.  Our oldest son played cello and sax, and his band instructor still brags about him when we see him.  The next son didn't work as hard as he should have to learn to play an instrument, but is a very good dancer and loves to listen to music.  Our daughter  took piano for many years and voice lessons as well.  She, too, loves music and dancing.  Well, guess they all three like to dance, guess they take that after their parents!  Our grandson started piano during first grade and he is really catching on fast.  I think music helps in many ways, math, socially, and on and on.

Again, I know you will enjoy your new job and will do well. 



guess I didn't mention that I am not a certified teacher and did not expect a teacher salary, but was not expecting to be offered so little.  Music, theater, etc. has always taken a back seat to sports.  Has since I was a pup.  I had a wonderful music teacher that started with Severy Elementary when I was in the second grade and she was still my music teacher when I graduated high school.  She TAUGHT me music.  She instilled at an early age the value of music in my life.  I will add that God gave me a musical talent that allowed me to play music (piano and organ) by ear.  Mrs. McClayland taught me to "read" music, God taught me to play by "ear".  I was never good at sports, so music was my passion.  I played a clarinet from 5th grade on thru highschool.  Don't play clarinet anymore, but do so enjoy my piano and organ.  Altho, when the oldest granddaughter started playing clarinet in the band, I picked it up one day and could still play a pretty mean "Clarinet Polka", which was a blue ribbon winner for me at the music festival back in the good ole days when music was important to the school board.


Myrna, you need to go back and read.  I did not take the music job.


You are right, Flo, I was in a hurry and read it too fast.  I had just come in from a doctor appt. and didn't have much time until I had to do something else.  Sorry!  Anyway, glad you got the job!  and you won't have far to drive!  You are right about Mrs. McClayland, althought I had her only through high school.  I loved the band and glee club as it was called back then! 


Flo, with your personality and wit, the Junior High kids will love you, and I think you will enjoy them as well.


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