Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Good Sunday morning everyone - Everything good except this blessed back of mine - Planned to go to Ponca City and visit a classmate and we could begin work on our class reunion for next year, but guess I need to call her and postpone.  Don't think driving that far I would be able to get out of the car once I got there. :-\ Checked the posts before I decided to log out and find I am in the top four so guess it is time to logout and give someone else a chance.  Have a great day, and bbl

Diane Amberg

    Good morning to all. Actually it's early afternoon here. I just finished pounding down some chicken breasts to cook tonight on the gas grill out on our deck. OOPS... can I say breasts on this site? Anyway, we're about to start a heat wave of several days above 90 with dew points at 70 or above. Whew!!! Thank goodness for the air conditioning to dry out the house. Stay cool y'all.


Good morning. It's 11:06 here right now. Natalie and Andy are riding bikes in the driveway, and I am sitting here thinking about all of the chores I need to get done today.

Clean the Guinea Pig cage
Clean the cat box
Do the dishes
Go grocery shopping
Transplant my son's sunflowers

Uck, that last one is going to be the worst. Our neighbor hood was build on top of a rock quarry. They just filled everything in with rocks and built the houses. We have GREAT drainage, but to dig a hole, it's maddening!!!


Dandymomma, let me tell you about the weirdest dirt I ever lived on. There is a sizable city just south of San Francisco that was nothing but  a part of the salt flats at the edge of the bay for centuries. Then a feller named T. Jack Foster decided that if there wasn't enough land to buy, he would make some.

So he bought the worthless salt marsh and contracted with half the dredgers on the planet. Those dredgers scooped up millions of tons of bay-bottom and stacked it high in those salt marshes. Then T. Jack hired bulldozers and sheeps-foot rollers and tamped it all down. Then he went back to dredging, after which he did more tamping.

That place is now Foster City, California. If you dig down even a couple of inches under the surface, you find that you are living on as much clam shell as dirt.

Shell is great fertilizer, though.



I found clam shells in my backyard while we were putting in the kids' swing set. It freaked me out. I thought it was a piece of an animal skull at first. I had to call the old owners (luckily they are friends of the family) to make sure there weren't any pets burried in the backyard. She said no, but her mother used to bury the shells from the shellfish that they ate. She said it was what her family used to do in Japan.


I had heard that the Japanese regularly buried shells. Perhaps it has something to do with the fertilizer value of the shells, which is quite high. I know that we could grow almost anything in our yard in Foster city. Our shells, of course, died of natural causes, for a clam, at least.


Good Monday Morning - well, my back told me better cancel that trip, so I did.  Really wanted to spend a couple days with Cora Sue, but we'll get together later in the month hopefully.  She and I have been best friends siince grade school.  Meantime it's back to the pain relievers, forum and pogo.  Have a beautiful day, all.


Well, flo, that's no fun! I'm sorry you have had to cancel your visit. Having had a painful back on a number of occasions, I can sympathize. May it heal soon.


thank you, frawg.  It's a trick think that I turn just right and the nerve gets pinched.  Have had the condition for years and just have to wear it out.  Always have before and will this time, IF I would just stop doing things that don't have to be done right now.... but that's hard to do. 

Diane Amberg

 Good afternoon to all, I did mail my check to the Howard library this morning toward the purchase of a new microfiche reader. I wonder how much more is needed? I have no idea how much it costs. With so many of us interested in "old Howard,'' I'm sure a new one would be a big help.   

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