Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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I have thought about fishing off the end of the bridge.  Surely something has swum upstream.


It's even raining a little bit here again today.

Since it is not raining inside, I decided to mow my beard.



It is 3:15, my river is threatening to overflow again and the rain gauge is now above 5 inches.  My river is using my special front walk to get from the north side of the house to the south side.  I am a prisoner in my own home.  Not that there is any reason to go out.  Daughter will bring my mail in after awhile.  Will it never stop?


I can't even get the National Weather Service Website to come up. Ah, there it is. It took ten minutes! It looks like you are about in the middle of the weather system that we are on the edge of. Does your daughter have a boat?

The NWS says that your statistics are gathered at Parsons, Tri-City Airport. They say that you have a Flash Flood Warning, a Flash Flood Watch, and a Flood warning. They are admitting that Parsons, Tri-City Airport has received about an inch of rain today. The problem with that system is that nobody lives at the airport.


Hello and Good afternoon everyone,  Sorry to hear about all the rain going on there. My mom lives in  Elk Falls, and says that she can almost fish from the pond right out her back door.   I'm still waiting for rain in my neck of the woods or desert. It doesn't look like anytime soon.... 112 today under my back porch.   Is the Elk River flooding over its banks yet?
No act of kindness, no matter how small,
is ever wasted.


Wish you had all the rain we have received today.  It was getting just dry enough to do some garden work.

Dee Gee

I just got the gardens and flower beds pretty well clean of weeds and was ready for an inch of rain but not the three we have received the last couple days.  Just hope the lake holds all the run off.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


well, my rain gauge holds a measurable 5", I dumped it at probably an inch above that about 4:30 this afternoon, and there is another .6 in it.  At the moment it isn't raining..... cross your fingers.  Good grief, enough is enough. >:( >:( >:(


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Don't know what to tell you about the rain, except it will quit someday.

Wanted to share an update on little Charity.  Here is what her mother has written, but no new pictures, yet.  She promised to take some this weekend.

The Power of Prayer by Maria Baca, mother of Charity

First of all I want to take a few minutes to say "Thank You" to all of you that have continued to read my blog and keep Charity in your prayers. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. It is really awesome to witness this first hand in the miracle that is unfolding right in front of me. Yes, medicine has made many advancements over the years. However, Charity is defying the odds. There is no way that she should be doing so well with so few setbacks. However, we continue to push forward and grow stronger everyday. I truely believe that is because of all of your prayers. I am truely blessed to have such wonderful friends in my corner. (And strangers too that have prayed for no other reason than they want to help in some way.)

I was in Wichita all day with Charity today. She is so beautiful! Of course I am totally biased because I am her mom. However, she is doing very well. I had a surprise waiting on me when I got there this morning. She was off the CPap and breathing with very little assistance from nasal canulas! It was great to get to see her face without the CPap obstructing the view. Unfortunately I didn't take my camera with me. However, I promise there will be new pics from this weekends visit!

Other than the Nasal Canula news, there isn't much to report. She is holding her own and doing well. She loves to snuggle with mom and loves to smile and make faces. I know that at 15 days they aren't suppose to smile. However, she does. She has a smile that can light up a room and can make Mom's day! The joy of being a parent has doubled since her birth. I now have two very special young ladies to share life's ups and downs with. I now have two little innocent people that look up to me and rely on me to protect them from harm, to guide them through life, and to just be there for! It truely is amazing!!

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