Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Jo McDonald

Good morning everyone   I am on duty today until 3 PM   Campers are already pulling out -- the week end is coming to a close and it is back to work for most folks.  Little kids and Daddys are sunburned and Mamas are looking like they used a lot of sunscreen and have pretty tans.  We were very busy yesterday selling permits -- never saw so many high dollar boats and jet skis before in one day !!!  Big bucks represented there ---- But life is made of what you want it to be , so I wish them happy days and good health-- with safety always on their minds.
  Enjoy your Sunday  -- Blessed be !


That sounds like quite a crew out at the lake, Jo. I never got into boats and water things. I always subscribed to the theory that a boat was a hole in the water into which you shoveled money. I had friends in California that sailed, and spent some time out on the bay playing crew, but that's about that. It seems like the weather should have been nice for all those folks, though. We got a little rain Friday overnight but it has been sunny and fair since.

I hope the balance of your day is good.



 :D Good Evening Everyone: 

Well, we are back and I can say..I really enjoyed my evening out with no federal employee worries and just enjoying the day and night.  We went to the zoo and that was fun and hot...then we went to the mall for about an hour then to the motel to get cleaned up and off to "Legends" we went.  It is in the Hilton at the airport.  They had seafood buffet and oh my gosh it was delicious.  This is the first time they have had oysters on the half shell (which Curt loves) and they had Alaskan King Crablegs (which I love.)...We ate and ate.  They had tons of other stuff, but the shrimp and crablegs are what I ate and Curt ate a little of everything.  Then we relaxed at the motel and this morning ran to Sam's, Walmart and headed home.  Finished mowing, picked greenbeans, cooks some hotdogs on the grill and made potatoe salad and now I am playing on the computer.  Hope you all had a good weekend and have a wonderful week. 
Bye for now.


so glad that you had a good relaxing couple days.  Did you happen to stick any of those crab legs in your pocket? Could you mail em to me if you did?  Haven't had good crab legs in a long time and I do love em.  Get sorta embarressed sometimes at the pile of shell on my table, tho.  We used to go to a place in Iola that had a wonderful seafood buffet on Sat. nites.  Crablegs, catfish, boiled and fried shrimp, frog legs, stuffed crab, and for those "odd balls" fried chicken.  OMG, now my mouth is really watering and I'm fixing goulash for supper.  :(

Jo McDonald

Jeepers Flo - I wish you lived next door -- I'm too tired to cook supper.  Fred went to town to get some ARBY ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES   YEAAAAAAAA!!!!
Any hoooooo --- I went to work at 9 this morning and at 11:45 I found oudt that Quality Motors, here in Independence was having a company picnic out here at the park today ~~~~~~~~` ?????? AND this was the first that I had heard of it.  Soooooooooooooo--at 11:45 here they came..... one vehicle after another and from 11:45 until 1:30 I had 45 vehicles come through and each one needed a days vehicle permit - which I had to enter into the computer and print out and give to them - for the price of $4.20 each ----- Let me tell you that it was like a zoo - and I was the monkey behind the glass window.  PLUS  I had people that had bought jet skis &  boats - and before they could put them on the water they had to be registered, and that takes about 10 to 15 minutes - AND then the people that are already here
came up to pay for more days and utilities and camping   OH MY GOSH --- WHAT A SHIFT OF 6  HOURS THAT WAS   There was NO TIME for even a drink of water  or to go Tee Tee.  Any way to make a long story short - in that length of time, I sold $800. + of sales......  Then from 3:30 when I got off until now ****     I had to balance and check  the web page insertations and it is now7:00 pm   and I just finished. 
This Old white haired woman is pooped !!!!  Bless my honey's heart - for going to town to get some Arbys.  Guess I will quit bending your ears ---and whinpering.   Have a good evening every one   
  Hugs to all of you


Now, we're cooking with gas!  Literally!
Well, I had one of the best days EVER! 
First thing this morning Marty & I went under the house and worked on getting our gas stove hooked up (we've been remodelling & without it for a month).  A lot of plumbing stuff went on that I won't mention here, but by early afternoon we had everything run & ready to go!  Then we cleaned up & went over to visit Terrell & Lynne and had a really nice visit.  After that, we came home and Marty & our son Clay worked outdoors while I made our first real supper at home in f-o-r-e-v-e-r.   Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, chopped onions, corn and muffins.  We are all so stuffed & tired that we can't do much except sit right now.  I hope every one of you has as great a day as I had, very soon!


Just so you all won't think I am a lady of mystery.  Went to the doctor Fri. and was told that maybe the skin cancer was back, so it is off to the dermatologist as soon as possible.  On a more positive note, visited my very favortist Wal-Mart at Derby and they had very low prices on their bedding plants.  Picked out plants until daughter dragged me away from them.  Been trying to get them into the ground but it turns hot too soon.  That old sun soon makes it above the house and all my shade disappears.  Will have to get out earlier.  Not doing much of anything else.  Trying to get all of the Norah Roberts books that I have read so they can be loaned or put away.  Now that basketball is over there is nothing on television.  Thank goodness for the Forum.  The best entertainment I can find.


Wilma, you're a woman after my own heart, except my basketball was over in April. I just watch the college teams. So I'm not seeing much television these days, either. I look at the listings for the science- and history-type channels, but usually don't find too much to watch there. It's a good thing that I have all my computer-related things to occupy me, or I would probably just sit in the corner and grow mold.



Did you intend to put an m on that last word or did you just mispell old?


No, ma'am, that was an intentional "m." I'm going to grow old regardless of whether I have anything to do or not. Well, unless the other alternative comes about, anyway. But if I keep moving because I have something to do, it will be better. If I have nothing to keep me busy, I'm fairly sure I would just rot away. Thus, "mold."


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