Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Diane Amberg

I didn't know whether to put this in a new thread or just stick it here. Since I don't usually start threads this will have to do. I'm done with the forum for the time being. I'll check in to read from time to time but that's it I've always found Judy's threads comforting and up lifting and right now I really need them. I'm risking torment for even writing this, because I know some will again pass it off as boo-hoo, poor me,which couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not quite sure how I got to be the pet project for some who must keep score, and delight in my doing something they can call "wrong," there are a few who will put up with my quirks and actually understand why I don't care for the slash and burn postings that have no depth or importance and can only inflame feelings. Once again there is one posted today and I just had to shake my head. The Democrats have to have a satan? Oh, Puleeease! Anyway, in the middle of all the fur flying over the BP incident we had a terrible tragedy here. I kept writing for a time beacuse there wasn't much I could do yet. (I have been sick at my stomach since Tues. evening.)  But now families will be coming into town (from Iowa no less) and I'll be very busy cooking for the funeral and we are going to try to cook many weeks of food for the freezer etc. and helping the family and quite frankly ourselves. I didn't think this awful event had affected my writing but I guess it must have. If I hurt feelings I'm sorry. Right now I'm hurting myself, but I'm supposed to suck it up and tough it out and never show a bit of weakness. Well, I can't this time, so I'm getting off. I'd ask for prayers for my devastated friends but since everything I say is "Interpreted" as self pity, I can't, especially, from two of you who have no room in their cold hearts for the likes of me or mine since we aren't clones of you. Yes, I'm bitter. To my friends, I apologize.  I don't know why I'm not allowed to toss something back when it's tossed at me first, but so be it. It's Ok for KS to make comments that my hairdressers chemicals "explain a lot" but when I tossed it back, I thought in fun, I got slammed by Teresa.
      I do want to say something about the so called "news". I'm starting to think that politics is influencing and manipulating news reporting in a very evil way, even worse than before. I don't think that mess with Shirley Sherrod is the last of it. That time Fox got caught. Next time it might be someone else. Please don't fall for this "high emotional response" all the news people and commentators  are after. Read and check out these stories and find out for yourself what is really going on. Enjoy the rest of the summer. I'll miss you.


I will miss ya.  I will e-mail you the wine recipe.  I am very sorry for your loss.  Take care of yourself and others.  I have always enjoyed your posts from the east coast, as well as those from the west coast,  Stay cool!


I, too, will miss your posts.  I could count on them to make sense.  I could read them without having to skip over a lot of ranting or trying to figure out just what the poster was trying to say.  Do what you need to do and take care of yourself.  I hate giving you up to anyone else, but a gal has to do what a gal has to do.  Go take care of those who need you more than I do right now.


   Trust me Diane a break helps you get a whole new persepctive about handling stuff :) I'm sorry bout your friend, will send prayers. Come back when the Light is brighter than the Dark :)


Diane, you and yours are in my prayers, as always, for anyone of us who suffers a loss.  Just remember to come back to us when you are ready. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Ms Bear

Diane, I am really going to miss your posts.  Take Care of you.  You are a very genuine caring person.


Judy Harder

I will keep up with you either on facebook or email. I will miss your posting.
You hang in there and know that God is directing you and yours. So lean on
He is there for you. Reach out! God bless you and yours!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Jo McDonald

May your faith keep you strong, and protect you and those you love.


Roma Jean Turner

God Bless Diane!  Sorry you and your friends are going through a deep loss.



I am holding you and yours in my heart and prayers during this time of sorrow for you all.  I have listened during these past few weeks/months...And I hope that your time away is a healing time for you.  May the peace of God, which transcends all the sorrow, bring its soothing touch to you and all of your family.  Worry not about the trivial things right now...I guarantee they'll be still here when you return.  ;)


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