Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Diane Amberg

Good Morning all. We made it! The wind kept waking me up last night, but the storm is gone. The sky is bright blue and sunny, but the wind is still blowing a good clip. We did take pictures so when we have time we'll put them on. Maybe tomorrow? Today will be another dig out day.Teresa or someone will have to remind me of how to put photos on here. I've forgotten how to do it! We got plenty of snow but Maryland,VA. and on down into DC got much more than we did. Unreal for the east coast. Bonnie asked me once if we got much snow here. YES!  ;D More coming next week. Have a great day everybody.

Bonnie M.

I've been thinking about you, Diane, with all of that snow.  Our granddaughter's husband is in the Air Force, and stationed at Dover.  Morgan (the granddaughter)  was visiting out here, and flew back on Tuesday.  Her Mother, (our daughter, Cathy) flew back with her (to Philadelphia) to help her with their 17 month old little boy.  They flew Southwest, and made it back there O.K.  Then, Cathy rented a car and drove to Dover,  in the snow and storm.  Cathy was hoping to get to be a "tourist," instead, they're pretty much "trapped" inside their house.  She's flying back tomorrow.  With the State of Emergency that was declared, and the stiff fines for those who were out on the roads who were not supposed to be, she was concerned about how she would get back to the airport.  She just called, said she'd called a number, and was grateful when "a person" answered, instead of it being an automated call.  He told her that she should be allowed to drive to the airport in the morning.  Her flight out is at noon.  I was looking to see if I could find a telephone number for you, I thought you would know more about who she should contact, etc, to get travel information.  But, it looks like it's all going to end up O.K.

Stay safe!


I'm glad things are well with you Diane!  Marty was supposed to go to Fredericksburg, VA this week but had too much to do; some of the friends that were still going had to change their plans yesterday because of the weather.  So glad we didn't head up there and get stuck in a hotel somewhere along the road!

Diane Amberg

Bonnie, Cathy should be fine.The SOE was lifted yesterday afternoon and people who needed to get out could, but anybody who could stay home again was asked to do so, so the plows could work easier. DELDOT did a wonderful job trying to keep the roads passable. I'm sorry she didn't get to see much of our state. Dover had moved the 18 C-5's and the 13 C-17's so they wouldn't be damaged. We're in pretty good shape.Newark always does a great job with our streets. Private streets in the county's development areas are still very bad. They depend on private contractors to dig them out and there are only so many.  Bonnie ,my phone here is 302-737-2152.

Bonnie M.

Thanks, Diane.  Cathy just called, she's at the airport in Philadelphia, thankful to be there, and scheduled to fly out at noon.  She will be arriving back in San Diego at 6:00 this evening, after a lay-over for a short time in Phoenix.

Thanks for your phone number.  She'll always remember this snow storm in Deleware!  It's not like she has never seen snow and blizzards, having grown up in Kansas, but, this one was pretty spectacular!

I saw on the news that many people are making lots of money by going around and shoveling out people's driveways and sidewalks!  That would work for me!  (Hiring someone to do the shoveling out!)

Our son, Mark, was working in Baton Rouge this week and planned to fly back to K. C. last evening.  However, the flights from that airport were cancelled, he rented a car and drove to New Orleans, couldn't get there in time for a flight to Kansas City, spent the night in New Orleans, so he's at the gate of Delta now, to get a flight to Atlanta, and will arrive back in Kansas City sometime tonight.  This wide-spread storm is playing havoc with anyone trying to travel!  "This, too, shall pass!"

Thanks again.

Diane Amberg

Good morning friends.The snow is still here of course, but it may get a tad above freezing this week. We are starting to see huge icicles on the sun side of our houses. The Charter School had Al and the building engineer up on the roofs to check on the snow weight. It was built for 30 inches of "average" snow using the 1=10 formula.The schools are just at their limit,with some fudge thrown in. One big chunk fell from the art room roof down on top of the gym roof and made it bow down slightly and pop back up again They wouldn't have known except they found a bolt on the gym floor that had been knocked out of a sprinkler riser..Easily repaired and all is well....but we have more snow tomorrow night. They are saying only 3-6 inches though. Happy Valentines Day everyone!  

Roma Jean Turner

Happy Valentine's to you as well.  Glad to know you are safe and staying warm.


Just wanted to wish all our Forum Friends a Happy Valentines day (a little late)!
Things are going well for us.  Chuck is really enjoying his job (stress-free), and I went back to work after an extended maternity leave on Jan 4.  I requested to eliminate travel from my job description and had to take a pay cut, but at least I'm staying at home with Josey!  Some days I feel like all I do is feed her and put her to sleep, but it makes the time I spend in the office 200% efficient! 
Josey is learning to roll over now, and I fear will be a quick study to crawl soon!  Here is a picture I took of her the other day... she's sucking on her fingers and hands... all of them at the same time!  Yes, it does look like she has a little mohawk!  Ha!  Her hair is really thick and long in the middle and short and thin on the sides!
We miss everyone!


Darling pictures Tobina! You are so lucky to be able to at home with her. Happy you are all doing well!  ;)


Oh Tobino.. She is absolutely adorable... :)  Isn't it just the most wonderful thing ever being home with her? I know you don't care about the cut in pay.. You and she  will more than reap the rewards with you being with her...
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