Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Rudy Taylor

Well, OK.

Maybe I will give it a try.

But if Teresa laughs at the spare tire around my waist, I'll get up from that table, run out the door and scare the neighbors in Howard to death!
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Ms Bear is right..... :)

you BOTH come in for a massage. Kathy can be the brave one and have hers first.. You can set in the living room and talk to Kjell (he'll calm your "fraidy cat" nerves) and then you can be next..
Kathy can bring a good book and I'll fix her some green tea and some cheese and crackers and she can relax in the recliner and wait for you to have yours..

620-374-2093            I'll be waiting.........
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Teresa, Al is taking Ibuprophen and it does help some. I told him you said I should drop a table on him, but he's less than enthusastic about that! ;D I did share the rest of what you said. We'll see what today brings. There are some things he isn't supposed to do to some muscle groups because of the Polio history. I don't understand all of it myself.Thanks everyone for the good wishes.
Six, I am so sorry about your dog. I didn't realize the end was so close. I sure do know how much it hurts to lose them. 16 is amazing.

Judy Harder

Good Morning,

Got a question. During the night I thought I heard the fire siren go off. Was I dreaming, or was there a fire call somewhere
I never (I don't think) heard responders. That is why I am wondering if I was asleep. It seemed to go on and on and on.
did you all hear it? Do you know who was the poor person who had a fire in all that nasty cold weather.

I did say a prayer for the people responding to the alarm, and fire victim.
While this was going on, one of my dreams was of the hot chimney fire we had when we lived in Busby.
We were lucky. I just cringe when I think of a chimney fire.

Stay warm.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Judy, I can't answer your question, but Al wanted me to get on here and thank Teresa for her suggestions, they worked! Thanks to all of you for thinking of him. His back is much improved today. It still grabs a little, but he can move and do things.


Glad that he has some relief.. :)

Back pain is so unpredictable and touchy .. Most people think if there back hurts in a certain area.. that's where the injury is.. Generally not so.. I can usually help someone with headaches etc..AFTER I find out what part of their back is misaligned or out. Sciatic is a bear to try to deal with.. Chiropractor is about the only thing in the long run that can actually FIX the problem.. Then my job kicks in ..and the right massage will make it stay in.. But I'm a huge believer of getting the inflammation out!! THAT is the key to a lot of peoples back pain..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


So Diane, you dropped a table on Al, and it worked! Ha! Glad to hear he is doing better anyway. I went to Dr. yesterday, he put a shot into my back and it is much better today. I didn't sleep much last night, watched the six A.M. news while me and Onie ate a bowl of ceral. He likes mini- shredded wheats after I suck out some of the milk. I don't want a wet milk patch in my bed afterall. But I did fnally get to sleep, ( cortizone nearly always does that to me), now I have to get down the road and get this monitor off. I had a little episode while carrying Ladies' body out to the shed on Sunday afternoon. I couldn't get rid of the breath I was sucking in. Really an odd feeling, however I think It was probably just stress since I have done heavier stuff outdoors since then with no symptoms. Dr, had a chest xray, and eeg done and then sent me home with this monitor. As a bed partner, I've had better, this one keeps strangling me. I'll be glad when it's gone. Later. Al, glad to hear you are better.

Diane Amberg

I never got quite as far as dropping the table, but he was in such pain for awhile he was close to letting me do it! You have on a Holter monitor? Probably, as you said, just stress, but wise to check. Stress induced asthma will some times do that. The alvioli get stiff after an inhale. You can breathe in but then can't breathe out very well. Glad you are better too, cortisone is great stuff if you don't have to take it too often. Hang in there, it will all get better slowly (as I say that to myself too!)

Ms Bear

I am sure we will all feel better when it warms ups, and it isn't even cold here compared to where all of you are at.  I have had to give in and get out the light jacket that I wear.   If I had a coat it would get worn out hanging in the closet.  We are supposed to get down to 24 the end of the week and I will have to layer on some clothes.

I am glad Al is feeling better and Edie, I hope you are feeling better also.  Someone told me that last Friday was a bad day for heart patients, several had heart attacks or chest pains.


well, Hello and Good Morning.  I've not been posting for awhile, but have kept up on the News on the forum.  I do have to tell you about my exciting yesterday.  I re-connected with a nephew on facebook.  I had not seen Justin since he was a young boy.  He was coming to Eureka yesterday and suggested we meet for lunch.  We did, we had such a good visit and time of "catching up" even though the time was just too short.  Two hours to fill in a lifetime is just not enough.  I so enjoyed our time together.  Just wanted to boast a bit.  Everyone have a good day and stay warm.

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