Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Good morning everyone! The hay has dried out and was raked and baled yesterday evening. Took Lane swimming yesterday at the Howard City Pool, he loved it! He kept wanting to go in the big pool, so his great aunt Susan let one of the life guards take him in. We are going back today, to the big pool, with a floatie. He's already excited. I took pictures of him at the pool and will post them on the Howard City Pool thread.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!


Gosh, that makes me wonder if my bathrooms are inadequate. Neither one of them has a window. Of course, I don't spend a lot of time looking out and certainly don't want anybody looking in. I wonder what the guy from Kansas City thinks about relieving your need out in the woods? Heck, the woods are ALL window.



We have two bathrooms - one with a window and no vent; the other with a vent and no window.

Sorry, window-folks, but I'll take the vent over the window most any time!  ;D  :D  ;D  :D  ;D  :D  ;D

'course, during the summer without a/c, that window is mighty handy, too.  :D It kind of acts as an "old-fashioned" vent!  :laugh:


You would think that the feller from Kansas City would have heard of vents, wouldn't you? Maybe the folks in Greensburg caught their first lucky break in a while when that KC building official had at least heard of inside toilets.



this is kinda like telling the people after Katrina that they couldn't have a FEMA trailer till they had utilities hooked up.  HELLO????????? reckon those trailers had adequate sized windows in them???  ::) ::)  OR maybe that's why so many of them sat unissued, durn windows were too small.  Hmmmmmmmm ;D ;D :-\

Janet Harrington

Sherri,  Looks like everyone has some good ideas for whoever didn't get to build the building with the inadequate bathroom window.  How retarded.

Now, I thought going to my new job was stressful, but I believe that after reading about your day yesterday, my job will be a snap.  Ha.  I'll deal with prisoners over dealing with politics.

All I can say is, You get them, Sherri.

My day went smoothly and fast.  Monday is when I report to the prison and start my sentence.  I do get a mentor for awhile, so it should be fun.  I'll keep you filled in as the days go by.


They are going to keep letting you out at night, aren't they, Janet?

Maybe if Sheri can let me know exactly when that guy is leaving town for the weekend I could wait and trip him as he goes through Lawrence...



Well, thank you everyone for all your comments...it is so frustrating though.....  :o Today was my day off from work and you guessed it....My big boss in Manhattan called me first thing and talked and told me he was coming down on Tuesday to meet with the building owners and the State Representative and that he had talked to Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran and on and on and that he was sorry that this is being so stressful and that he had talked to the Mayor for over an hour and they are just really being unreasonable...well...duh...I already knew that...anyway, I was polite and nice and told him that I appreciated anything that they could do to help...then I went outside and washed my car, shammied it, and vacumned it...then I came back in and darn if I didn't have a message to call the district board chairperson.....so back on the phone I went and talked to him for about 30 minutes about this special meeting on Monday night and the Tuesday meeting with my big boss and I told him that I would be in Great Bend for disaster training on Tuesday and he said that was okay...but that he had talked to the Dept of Transportation and to the State Representative and this and that....so I hung up from him and I started doing laundry and got 8 loads done and on the line then by that time it was finally sunny enought that the grass was not wet anymore so I got the push mower and mowed all the edges, the berm and around the patio, then hung out more laundry...went to the garden and picked green beans and then started mowing with the big mower then.  I mowed around 5 acres and onlyl have 2 left to do....so it is about done.  I will finish up on sunday.  When I came back into the house I had another message from the Assistant Administrator from our State Office and he said he would call me next week, that they were going to try to get us some temporary building space and see what can be done on all this other stuff....Jeepers....I am so tired of it....But that is part of my job I guess....I just wish it wasn't so stressful....I have decided that the reason that I am not on the city council, or in politics is because I don't lie...  Okay enough of all that.

Curt is taking me to Wichita tomorrow and he is going to take me out to eat for seafood and we are going to go to a movie and spend the night and then maybe go to the zoo on Sunday....then come home to finsh up the yard work before Monday arrives.  So it has been a busy day.

I hope all of you are going to have a nice weekend and I will talk to you all when I get back on Sunday...I can hardly wait to have a little bit of fun with no mayor and no problems....

Talk with you soon...bye for now


Hi there everyone!
We made it to Oklahoma in fine shape yesterday, and started our day today by heading to the
shooting range where we are going to film a machine gun shoot.
Now this isn't just any ordinary competitive shoot.
This is one where you can 'rent' a gun to shoot out there on the range. They have every kind of
black rifle that there is. They even have a grenade launcher..and you can see where you hit, cause it splatters a huge ball of orange smoke on the spot!
Cool huh?
Well, at least I think it is, but I am probably not your everyday  female when it comes to guns...

But anyway.. guess what?
I get to have my pick of the guns I get to shoot!
OMG.. I am just way tooooo excited about it.
Marshal ( Kjell) is going to film me when I do it, so I will get to have a memento of it!

It is already 11:30 and we just got back to the hotel.... and our day starts early in the morning and late into the night.. oh yeah.. They are even going to have a "night time " shoot..
That is just going to be awesome.. and we are going to film that too for the DRTV videos...

I know that  lots of you aren't too whippy excited about all of this.. and I won't bore you too much with it...but I will probably make a short video of me shooting anyway .. just to put on here... so please be nice and bear with me...cause this is just one of the coolest things that I have ever got to do. ;D I have never had a chance to shoot BIG guns before ..and especially at cars that are loaded with explosives!   :o  WOW!!!

And I promise... if you all want something put up on here that you are excited about.. I will be excited for you!~~..Deal?

They are expecting about 1,000-2,000 people tomorrow ..and there was only about 50 people today setting up all their stuff, They will continue to come in all night and into the morning setting up gear.

***catching my breath**

ok.. here is a couple pics.. just so you kinda know where we are.
The first one is JUST of the stand that the gun is attached to.. the other one is of the area where the cars are that we shoot at.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


It looks like you're having a blast!

When you get back, you'll have to fill me in on the parts of all this that affect Kansas and figure some way to get some pages in my site that link to your gun sites, too.

Have fun!


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