Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Diane Amberg

I'm so sorry you, and your pooch, are suffering. Nothing like a sad back to make what you have to do more miserable. I did just check on Al. He finally found a comfortable spot and the heat pad is helping a little but he's afraid to move. Eventually he'll need the bathroom and I hate to think.  :P  Both of you, hang in there!

Judy Harder

I am sorry you all are hurting. I understand believe me. My arthritis and fibro just jump for joy when
weather is like this. Of course, a lot of it is that I am not geting my 30 minutes a day and cabin-fever is
trying to do a number on me. Even with FaceBook.

I did try to run the dogs around the apartment.. all I did was make myself dizzy and out of breath.
If it doesn't snow anymore and I feel like it I must try to go to church tomorrow. I am getting brain food,
but now I need voices with body's attached.and someone talking back.
I have a hunch this is going to be a nasty winter.................we (I)  may just need to put on my insulated
coveralls on and walk anyway..........Oh dear, just the sound of that sent a chill through me.
Stay warm and
Diane. sometimes a hot rice bag on the place that hurts eases the pain...............you could use hot moist packs too
Hugs to all.
God bless, too

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ms Bear

It is cold here but I know it is nothing like it is there, I can't even imagine that kind of cold.  I can relate to the aching back and how uncomfortable that can be.  Hope the meds will help.  Diane, I am sure the soup will help.

Edie, is your dog going to be okay? 


ms Bear, I don't think she is going to make it. She isn't suffering at this time, but seems to have given up. She has eaten a small amount today, and had a small amount of water. But she cannot stand tonight. I will probably have to have her euthanized next week, we'll see what happens. Right now, I am keeping her comfortable and warm; offering food and water on a regular basis. She is a Whippet, the middle sized greyhound, and at age 16 is quite elderly for a larger dog. I do hate to lose her, she is such a sweetie.  :'(


Sorry to har about your 4 legged companion Edie...
The "other side" is a wonderful place with no suffering..and  she will be one of the first to meet you when its your time.. until you get there she will run and play and have the best of the best..
It's hard to let go I know.. Been there and done that many times... Grieved so hard I thought my heart would break.... but knew that my love for them is why I did it.. 
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Diane... Ibuprofen is actually more important right now than the pain meds... Have him take at least 800-1,000 mg of Advil
not Tylenol or anything else..
Advil is an anti -inflammatory and will help get all the inflammation to settle and go down which is part of the irritation of his pain.. ( kinda like having two sore spots *muscle and nerve* rubbing over and over against each other swelling around the sore spot*) which makes it irritated all the more. You'll be surprised how much it will help to get the internal swelling down..

If I knew where he hurt exactly I could tell you some tips on massage.. If you massage in the wrong direction ( like a low sciatic) you actually do more harm than good.. If I was close I would come over and do what I could do..  :) I hope he gets some relief.. Do you have a "good" chiropractor who could get him adjusted? If he hurts too much to move much you might ask the Dr if he could use an activator gun and a drop table on him.. I am sure it is a pinched nerve by the sounds of it.. it won't fix itself I doubt..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Diane, if sending my "no pain wishes" to Al will help ==they are on their way = big time.  Back pain is horrible. 
And it is hard for you too, as all of your desire and efforts to help are just not getting it done, are they?  I hope
the things that Teresa told you will help him.  Give him our best wishes for recovery and keep one back for yourself.

  Mam!!! 28 inches of snow is a bunch !!  We had more snow last night, but not anything compared to what you all have.
  Stay warm and safe.

Rudy Taylor

I'd just love to get a massage from Teresa, but her mama told me I'd have to take off my britches.

Heck, I won't even take off my shirt!

Can't you massage without getting kinky, Teresa?
It truly is "a wonderful life."



Ohhhh for the love of Lucy~~~
You are all covered up all of the time.. with heated blankets no less...  Quit being such a baby!
How in the world can I get to the muscles around the hips..low back...if you have clothes on!   ???
( Like I care or think about anything but the muscles I'm working on anyway~~ ::) ::) )
Get your behind in here and see for yourself what its all about..
I promise you ... 5 minutes into it.. you will forget what planet you are on.. let alone if you have a shirt or britches on under all those blankets..
How can you ever give me an honest  "review" if you have never experienced my massage..
And uhhhh~~Kinky?? If you want kinky ... I'm not the one to come to.. :)
If it will make you feel better  Have Kathy come in with you.. She can set in the chair and monitor the whole hour................

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Ms Bear

If Kathy is smart she will tell Rudy to keep his britches on and sit and watch while she gets the massage.  She deserves to feel good too.

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