Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Ole Granny

maybe the axis slipped..... :laugh: :laugh:
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Rudy Taylor

Do you suppose the Maker of the Wind and Rain might enjoy an occasional tease just to let us know who's in charge?

He's done a right good job of running the weather for eons of years, and probably will let us know when and if we should start a Weather Committee.

It truly is "a wonderful life."


Good morning............it is a beeeeutiful day today. I actually have one of the easiest days I have had in a while,.( now watch that since I said it out loud ..I will get a load of work coming in)  :police:

I am going to go out and weed the flower beds.. and do some odds and ends in the house and then I have a wonderful new book I am going to start... or maybe I will play my computer games ..or maybe I will just sit on the porch in my swing and sip tea and stare at nothing..  :)

Have a good Friday...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Good morning..
Dove hunt was cut short this morning with the rain , but it was certainly a nice crisp day for being up and around early anyway.

Quick request please.

I have ask some people to be moderators in here on several sections. Kjell and I are once again making plans to tackle another huge venture.. which means more work of course and less time.... ( what else is new) ::)
I have a wonderful husband who is never satisfied to build and conquer..then relax and just run maintenance..
Nope... His mind doesn't work like that.  :) He and partner Michael are always creating new avenues and new adventures in the business world.. Its great excitement and fun.. but the downside is the work that always seems to accompany these projects..

I can't complain much though. It keeps me tired enough that I stay off the streets.. LOL

Anyway.. back to the request. I am going to be making changes and cleaning up and archiving items..
Going to work on the layout also, before I take a leave of partial absence..
So I would appreciate anyone who has items in the for sale or for rent barter etc. to go in and if these items are already gone.. or need added to... please go ahead and delete or add to your post.. This section needs to be kept clean with currant items that are available now..
Then I can go in and upgrade that section.

Thank you for doing this.. I appreciate it.

Have a good and safe Labor Day..and take the time to tell someone how much they mean to you... :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


 :D good wet morning to everyone.  I'm back home and now trying to decide what needs done first and thought probably checking e-mail and the forum was a good place to start.  After 5 days away it is good to be home and my Lucy definately thought it was time to get back to her normal routine.  The first three days were very hard and very discouraging.  I really didn't elaborate and why I was going to be gone.  My favorite aunt, who is 89, had an accident and tore loose her rotocuff so had to have surgery to repair it.  I was asked if I could at all possible, come to Wichita and help with her care and of course I said yes.  At her age and with her medication, it certainly was not easy.  However, Monday her mind was getting back to normal (having not taken any pain medication) and yesterday she was able to walk across the room without being so light headed and her mind was much better and we were able to visit without her going out in left field.  Marvin had taken me over Thurs. and came over and brought me home yesterday, IN THE RAIN.  Anyhow, good to be home.  My rain gauge runeth over this morning, so know the rain measurement was 6"+ and that's ENOUGH.  Have a great  ;D day everyone and you in this neck of the woods  :P try to stay dry.   :angel:


I started this catch up at 7:30 this morning, it is now 9:26 A.M. and 3 cups of coffee later.  Have read most of the "catch up" (skipped a lot of the political), made some posts, sent a PM and now it is time to get dressed and get busy.  Have a great day, everyone.


Hi ho hi ho off to pay bills I go...... :P Have a great day yall!

Diane Amberg

Flo, how is your aunt doing?I've been thinking about her.


Nice and cool here this morning.  Should have opened windows last night, but did this morning anyway.  Love to hear the crickets and feel the coolness (I've been so HOT lately!). 

Anyone have any fun weekend plans?  For once in about 2 months we're actually staying HOME!  I think the people at church think I have given up... but just been attending in whatever town we are visiting!  I think we're going to the demo derby; hubby is excited (not sure he's ever been to one).  And probably house cleaning, too.  We've pretty much got the nursery all set up, and I've washed all the newborn clothes and blankets.  Now to tackle the rest of the house.  We've sorted and tossed in most rooms, but now to go back and actually clean and dust (and hope it will stay that way for 4 weeks).

Hope everyone has a safe weekend!


QuoteAnyone have any fun weekend plans?

Football tonight.....pow wow tomorrow....veggin out Sunday :) (or siding the barn.....IF I want to start it :P)

Diane Amberg

We had a nice day today. The weather was just beautiful, cloudy and cool. We spent the afternoon hobnobbing with the likes of  Congressman Castle and Senator Carper. Providence Creek Charter Academy,( a public school) which we helped plan and design, had it's official dedication and opening this afternoon, even thought they've been open for business for a couple of weeks. They lowered the flag from the old school and raised a new one (carried especially for them by our local marines in a plane over Iraq) on the new flag pole. Had all the appropriate bugle music for striking the colors and raising the colors. Very moving. These are the kind of kids Varmit would like to think don't exist in this country. Smart, polite, love a challenge, with parents who are very much a part of the school and their children's education.
Sunday will be Newark Community Day again. The weather will be perfect, cool and clear so there will be many thousands of people there. Our downtown fire station will have an open house with my fire safety interactive quiz boards, displays, and the 9-11 simulator, plus we'll have the ladder truck and an engine down near the UD Green.
By the way, if you didn't already know, this year's national fire prevention theme is " Stay Fire Smart. Don't Get Burned" The big banner has Sparky the Fire Dog sort of flying upward in a Superman pose wearing a red cape. It's clever.This year it's Oct. 4-10.

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