Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Oh I'm already trained...
but not with machine guns...
but after this weekend.........................

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


 ;D ;D ;D Jo, that was indeed a "visual" story - I just felt kinda silly sitting here by myself and laughing my fool head off.  Sure hope the rest of your day went better.  Second cake out of the oven and cooled and cupcakes in now so I could use the rest of the batter.  Going to skip swimmercize tonite and go watch the granddaughter play ball.  Haven't been to any of her games yet.  Been a good day at my house - no birds flying inside, no machine guns going off outside - and I'll be careful to duck when I drive by Teresa's house just in case.  ;D ;D :angel:


When she gets back, we're going to have to start calling her "Gunny."


Janet Harrington

Quote from: Kjell H. on June 21, 2007, 12:37:12 PM
Don't worry Janet! Tell "The Colonel" that I will find time for his evening training session.

I want you to know that when my niece came to the door tonight with her new baby, Colonel thought it was you and I had a heck of a time controlling him.  Oh, my.  Of course, all my German Shepherds have been dogs that are so curious they just have to know what it is that someone is carrying in their arms or in that baby carrier.  We really keep a close watch on Colonel when someone brings a baby in the house.

And Jo.  I wish we would have had a video camera on the bird poppy day you had.  That would have been hilarious.

Janet Harrington

One more day to go until I start on the job training.  Today I learned that I will be stationed in Cell House B1.  Each cell house has two sides, 1 and 2.  I have yet to learn how many are in each cell house.  B is a seg cell house where the bad boys are.  Not sure how bad.  I don't think this will be too bad.  I talked with one of my friends who used to be a counselor and is now head of the Reception and Diagnostic Unit.  He said that if I would make a round in my cell house when I first got there and then a second round before I went home, I will not have any problems.  Sounds like fun.

I do know that I get my own desk with my own phone extension.  I think I will, hopefully, have my own computer.  However; no playing on the computer at work.  I can only use it for business, so I won't be sharing my e-mail to friends.  Sorry.  I'll do all my playing at home.

More about the new job next week.


It sounds like things are still going well! This just has to be a fascinating new experience for you. I'm sure you'll be soaking up a lot of information every day, especially at first as you begin to interact with your co-workers and charges. I'm sure that will slow down and equally sure that it will never stop. This is quite a challenge that you have picked out for yourself!


Good Morning Fabulous Forum:  ;D

It is 7:00 a.m. and I don't have to go to work today at the office, thank god...yesterday was the day from hell....I swear the stress is going to kill me.  We are still fighting with the city over the remodeling of our existing building.  They will not release the moritorium because of the highway that might go through in 20 years that they do not have funding for.  Go figure.  I spent last night at a special meeting getting madder and madder than I spent an hour on the phone with my state office officials mad and today they are suppose to discuss it further and get with me today at home and I am to call them back to discuss it....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....  >:( I am so mad.....The city is being so horrible not letting people get started on construction to rebuild.  They are giving out some permits but very few...they are making everyone submit a blueprint to some joker that is here from Kansas City and he decides if they can build.....go figure....some body submitted a blue print and he would not okay it because one of the bathroom windows was not large enough....I could go on and  on but it just makes me so mad that I can hardly type and the ones that know me know that I type really fast.....So that is what I am dealing with everyday besides the closure of my other office and dealing with two counties there and dealing with my county that is staying open and so lets go to something else....hahahahaa...sorry that I vented.

I am going to begin mowing the 7 acres again today...I picked my first greenbeans out of the garden last night.  We are going to have lots of cantalope and Curts corn is looking so good.  My strawberries are blooming and we are digging potatoes...my blackeyes peas are not ready yet but they sure look good....Curt is going to have tons of tomatoes too...so all in all the garden is doing great.  :laugh:

My daughter will be going to Augusta Georgia to take her clinical state boards July 22nd which is a Sunday...that is another story all on it own so I won't go there but anyway, say a prayer for her that all her instruments get there, her patient clears and she passes...for those of you that don't know she is after all this clinic hopefully will be a licenced dental hygienist....she is a good one but all the testing is something else and very expensive.  She has passed all her written boards and so this is the clinicial hands on..the bad part about this is that she has to not only pay for the testing which is over 800 dollars but has to find her own patient that will qualify (has to have some bad calculase on their teeth), pay for their plane ticket, hotel, meals and also for herself...so this little test is ending up costing close to 1500.00.....and she will fly out on Saturday and fly back on Sunday....doesn't seem right but oh well...I don't make the rules....once all this is said and done, she will be licenced in 14 states...so that is a good thing.....

Well, I have chewed the fat long enough...I need to get busy once again...thanks for listening and I hope you all have a wonderful day.


wow - some of your mother's "luck" has rubbed off on you, it seems.  Makes my little world here in Howard Kansas seem kinda uneventful.  Hope it stays that way, tho.  AND ME THINKS there is too many government fingers in the common folks' pie.  I say let these people rebuild and get on with their lives.  They have been thru enough and it is time to get on with living.  And what does this guy from Kansas City know about how the "other half" lives and lives very contentedly.  Bigger window in the bathroom???? I've been in many a bathroom with no windows at all.  Hope he don't find that out. :o

Jo McDonald

If those jerks would quit ridin' the gravy train and take a real look at life - we wouldn't be burdened with having to pay for that kind of stupidity.  We have -- in my opinoin -- waaayyy too many of those 'experts - ?? " on the tax payers role.

And Yes, Flo, there are too many fingers in the pie -  I think maybe we should get this fellow and put him in a bathroom with no windows AND NO VENT   hahahahahahahaha  Let him get a good whiff of the kind of guy he really is.   

  Ohhhh   my  I do get amused by my off the wall sense of humor.   


Quote from: flo on June 22, 2007, 08:16:12 AM
been in many a bathroom with no windows at all.  Hope he don't find that out. :o

no window in our bathroom :o wonder what they think they can do about it :police:

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