
Started by Marcia Moore, June 02, 2007, 07:06:48 PM

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Marcia Moore



You know -

that raises all sorts of images  :D   ;)   :D  !

Then there's the curiosity factor!

Wonderful posting !!!!


I do hope the current employees of the Court House and our citizens are aware of this ruling by the County Commissioners.  I am almost sure I have seen a couple of people dance away from the courtroom upstairs........

Janet Harrington

Me, too.  But just so that you know, they used to do all kinds of things in the courthouse.  It was more of a community building, so dances happened, music shows happened, so that just makes the modern day courthouses kind of a stuffy old wet hen, doesn't it?


Oh Yes yes yes....
I want to go back to the "not so stuffy days
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


So if we organize a dance party in the court house (impromptu, of course), what kind of trouble would we be in?  ???

Janet Harrington

Oh, now, you couldn't do an "impromptu" dance thing.  You would have to go to a commissioners meeting and ask permission to have a dance in the courthouse and I'm sure the answer would be NO.  The commissioners are elected, you know, and it is their job to keep our tax dollars spent and spent well.  Having a dance in the courthouse would just not be the right thing to do.  It might cause someone some extra work and we all know we don't have any money to do "extra work".  No, I'm sure the answer would be NO. 

Besides, there really isn't much room to have a dance anywhere in the courthouse the way it is now.

(Please understand that I'm just poking fun.  Nothing serious.  Just trying to be negative like so many people are in this area.  ha ha)


Like I said before,  I think there is still a form of dancing being done in the courthouse----dancing around certain issues, dancing out of a criminal act committed, etc.  I'm trying to match Janet's "negativity."  What'd'ya think, Janet?


emptynest, a very good description of "dancing" in the courthouse.  :'( but I still prefer the "old" dancing which isn't done much anywhere anymore.

Janet Harrington


You did an excellent job of "dancing" around the situation.  Just like most people in this area.  Ha ha

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